  • 學位論文

廠商研發活動與產業聚集之研究 ---台灣電子業與運輸工具業之驗證與比較

指導教授 : 林惠玲


摘要 台灣製造業在全球競爭壓力與中國大陸經濟興起下,為降低生產成本及擴展市場,紛紛提高海外生產比例,使得台灣內部面臨產業空洞化的危機,因此發展知識經濟與積極投入研發來提升產品附加價值巳是廠商當前最迫切的課題。政府除利用「促進產業升級條例」來鼓勵廠商從事研發活動, 亦積極規劃科學園區,企圖利用產業在空間的集中,發揮知識外溢、資訊技術傳播的影響力來推動研發活動。因此本文藉由選擇模型,以電子電器業、運輸工具業廠商為對象來驗證台灣產業聚集、研發聚集與廠商研發活動的關聯性。 本文研究成果為:一、電子相關產業的規模聚集度與研發聚集度較運輸業集中。二、由於電子相關產業關聯性高,因此廠商研發活動受相關產業研發聚集度的影響最明顯,而運輸業因只有大廠有能力研發,故廠商研發活動受規模或研發聚集度的影響不明顯。三、規模愈大,兩種廠商從事研發的機率愈高,而獲利能力是電子廠商從事研發的重要因素,但在運輸業則不是。四、市場集中度愈高,兩種廠商從事研發的機率愈高,且電子相關產業研發資本的外溢效果對廠商研發的影響大於同業研發資本,但運輸業則相反。五、電子廠商研發行為不受地區特性變數的影響,而運輸廠商研發行為則明顯受地區特性變數影響。 本文認為,並非每一種產業聚集時,均能產生有效的知識外溢來促進研發活動的推展;聚集效應對廠商研發活動影響的強弱,與每個產業的特性有密切相關。因此政府若欲藉由科學園區或工業區的設立,發揮聚集效應來推展研發活動,除必需考量影響廠商研發的個別因素外,區域差異性、廠商所屬產業的特性、產業面對的市場規模等,更是悠關科學園區能否發揮聚集效應的關鍵要素。


研發 產業聚集 知識外溢


Abstract Under the pressure of global competition and the rising economy of Mainland China, Taiwan’s manufacturers have increased their proportions for oversea production in order to decrease production cost and to expand foreign market. To achieve these goals, to increase production’s added value via knowledge economy and R&D activities has become the most critical issue among Taiwan’s manufacturers. Taiwan’s government has also taken several actions in this regards to encourage manufacturers’ R&D activities. Several scientific parks have been constructed to promote R&D via industrial agglomeration, knowledge spillover and technology diffusion. In this study, electric & electronic industry (EE industry) and transportation tool industry (TT industry) are selected to investigate the relationship between R&D and industry agglomeration, R&D agglomeration and individual manufacturer’s R&D activities. Major findings of this study can be summarized as follows. 1. EE industry has greater scale and R&D agglomeration than transportation industry. 2. Since EE industry has a high industry linkage, firms R&D activities are significantly influenced by R&D agglomeration. On the other hand, only transportation large firms are afford to conduct R&D activities. Transportation firms R&D are not subject to the influence of scale and R&D agglomeration. 3. Of the two industries, R&D activities increase with the increase in scale. Nevertheless, profitability is the most important determinant for R&D among electric & electronic firms, not among transportation firms. 4. In both industries, R&D activities increase with the increase of market concentration. We have also found that spillover effect from R&D is greater for related industries than the same industry for EE industry. This finding, however is not applicable to TT industry. 5. R&D activities of EE firms are not influenced by area characteristics. This is not true for TT industry firms. In this study, we have found that the influence of industry agglomeration on R&D activities is related to industries’ characteristics. If government wishes to promote R&D activities via industry agglomeration by setting industry zones, factors other than individual characteristics, such as area differences industrial characteristics, and market scale, deserves a serious consideration


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鄭博任(2007)。群聚效應、創新能力與廠商績效 -以三大科學園區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.10135
