  • 學位論文


Abnormality of honeybee learning behavior caused by sub-lethal dosage of imidacloprid

指導教授 : 楊恩誠


益達胺為接觸性與胃毒性之系統性殺蟲劑,可藉由葉面噴灑、粒劑灑佈、澆灌或種子處理等方式來保護植物不受害蟲侵襲,但施用同時也對蜜蜂造成很大的影響。不僅外勤蜂易接觸含有益達胺的植物,同時也會將含有益達胺的花蜜及花粉帶回巢房儲存;而內勤蜂則將含有益達胺的花蜜及花粉餵食幼蟲。前人研究指出,餵食蜂群含有低劑量益達胺的蔗糖溶液並不會影響幼蟲的封蓋率,但對於封蓋後的幼蟲是否能夠成功化蛹及羽化則未進一步的探討。由上述所知,低劑量的益達胺不至於造成急性中毒症狀,但幼蟲在生長期間體內所累積的益達胺可能會影響幼蟲的發育。本研究藉由給予蜜蜂幼蟲0.4 ~ 8000 ng 益達胺及其溶劑 0.1、1% DMSO 的水溶液,以觀察該藥劑是否對幼蟲封蓋、化蛹與成蟲羽化造成影響。益達胺劑量為2000 ~ 8000 ng 時,幼蟲的封蓋、化蛹及羽化率皆明顯降低。然而 0.1、1% DMSO及 0.4 ~ 200 ng對幼蟲的封蓋、化蛹及羽化率皆無顯著差異。雖然益達胺的亞致死劑量並未影響羽化率,將羽化後的工蜂進行口吻延伸反應 (proboscis extension reflex, PER) 之測試以評估其學習能力,結果發現給予幼蟲 0.04 ng以上的益達胺,羽化後的學習能力明顯降低,推測低劑量的益達胺可能影響蜜蜂的神經系統發育,進而造成工蜂喪失其訪花採蜜的功能。


益達胺 蜜蜂 幼蟲 口吻延伸反應


Imidacloprid is one of systemic insecticides. The residue of imidacloprid in the nectar and pollens of the plants would be poisonous not only to the honeybee adults but also larvae. It has been shown that the development of the honeybee larvae were impeded if the larvae were fed with imidacloprid contaminated nectar or pollen collected by bee workers. However, our understanding on the risk of imidacloprid to honeybee larvae is still in a primitive stage. In this study, the survival, capped-brood, pupation and eclosion rates were recorded after treating the larvae directly in the hive with imidacloprid in different dosages. The larvae brood-capped rates significantly decreased when the dosages increased from 2000 to 8000 ng, but no significant effect on the survival, brood-capped, pupation and eclosion rates when treated with DMSO or 0.4-200 ng imidacloprid. Although the sub-lethal dosage of imidacloprid had no effect on the eclosion rate, the learning ability of the poisoned bees tested with the classical olfactory conditioning, proboscis extension reflex. The result showed the larvae treated with 0.04 ng imidacloprid, the learning ability of the poisoned bees were impaired. The result suggests that the sub-lethal dosage of imidacloprid damage the development of nervous system and the foraging ability.


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