  • 學位論文


The Study of China-ASEAN Sub-regional Cooperation

指導教授 : 吳秀玲


吾人身處的台灣近來面臨東亞區域快速整合,周邊國家多元領域合作逐漸緊密,並紛紛簽署雙邊或多邊的自由貿易協議,而台灣囿限於中國「一中原則」的壓迫,參與國際事務屢屢遭受阻礙,馬政府近來「外交休兵」、與中國簽署ECFA等的兩岸政策,即是在突破台灣所面臨的國際困境,然而,推動ECFA背後的政治目的之一即是藉協議的簽署,打通與周邊國家經貿互動的門路,其中東協應是台灣未來一個重點合作目標。面對東協與中國互動頻密,特別是雙方於2010年自由貿易區全面的啟動,並在大湄公河次區域與泛北部灣次區域推展多元的合作項目,從地緣關係的角度來看,泛北部灣次區域涵蓋的範疇,涉及到我國主張的南海領域,若中國與東協於此次區域進一步發展雙邊的互動關係,並持續將台灣排除於該自由貿易區的運作外,將對台灣造成極大的威脅和挑戰。 基於上述的認知和思考,為突破台灣區域周邊的經貿困境,筆者認為應深入探究中國與東協次區域合作互動的本質與內涵,從現存雙方的合作機制中歸納出其合作特色與互動模式,以期瞭解中國與東協推展次區域合作的背景、具體內容以及互動所產生的影響,並嘗試尋求台灣未來的因應之道,以拓展更加寬廣的國際空間。 本論文探討中國與東協次區域合作互動,從「互動背景」、「互動內容」以及「互動影響」三個面向,勾勒中國與東協次區域合作互動的框架,並藉由實地訪談進一步瞭解中國與東協次區域合作互動內部存在的問題與可能的合作困境。


When being confront with the trend of East Asian integration, multifaceted cooperation among neighboring countries, and the signing of bilateral or multilateral free trade agreements(FTAs) within East Asia region, Taiwan is excluded from participating in international affairs due to “One China Policy”. Therefore, Proposing of “Diplomatic truce” or “Flexible Diplomacy” and signing of “Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA)” with China from Ma administrations are overcoming the regionally diplomatic predicaments, so as to build the economically interacted bridge with neighboring countries, especially the ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations). For the past two decades, China and ASEAN had reached a great deal of agreements, such as “the Framework Agreement on China-ASEAN Comprehensive Economic Co-operation Area”, “Instrument of Extension of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia to China” and so on. Especially in 2010, the “ASEAN - China Free Trade Area” was fully carried out, representing a meaningful milestone for ASEAN – China relation. However, Comprehensive cooperation contains several sub-regional collaborations within Southeast Asia region, inclusive of Greater Mekong Subregion and Pan-Beibu Gulf Subregion. Those two subregions have made great progress in those years, effectively integrating states in reaching multiple agreements to a much closer cooperation. The papers will look into the essences and contents of all those subregional cooperation between China and ASEAN, including three parts. That is, background of cooperation, contents of cooperation and effects of cooperation. Firstly, introduce the background factors of affecting China and ASEAN to get a closer interacted relation. Secondly, induce existing China and ASEAN cooperative institutions, attempting to gerenalize characteristics of cooperation and construct a interactual model. Finally, infer potential effects on East Asia region, internal China and Taiwan. Therefore, deduce probable obstacles and difficulties that China and ASEAN will encounter in the future and bring up proper suggestion for Taiwan to overcome regionally diplomatic predicaments.


