  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Social Capital on the Interactions Between the Main Contractor and Subcontractors:A Case Study of Japanese Style Construction Management

指導教授 : 荷世平


日本製造業的代表企業豐田汽車的成功,在過去幾十年一直是被學者研究的議題,其成功被歸納為三點,其中一點即指出豐田汽車與其衛星廠商有良好的供應鏈合作關係,而營造業相較於汽車製造業,其分工更加細膩,本研究認為營造業總包商與協力包商的合作關係深具探討的價值。 本研究先研讀日式文化與社會資本理論的相關文獻,並採取質性研究的個案研究,選取日本知名建設公司熊谷組作為研究對象,欲搭配文獻分析其與協力包商的合作關係,以詮釋實務做法的現象。 研究發現,熊谷組成立的熊建會組織,即為將日式文化中的集體主義與夥伴關係體現於合作關係模式之中,且恰巧此關係網絡之運作亦可使用社會資本理論依照結構、關係及認知面向解釋,再搭配過去學者論及企業可透過運用社會資本藉以維持或提升企業競爭優勢,佐證熊建會這類的合作模式,可幫助營造業總包商與協力包商彼此尋求資源互補,提升各方的企業價值,而東亞國家本身社會資本就已盛行多年,故可將本研究之個案作為未來策略的參考之一。


The success of Toyota, the representative of Japanese manufacturing companies, has been the subject of academic research in the past few decades. Its success has been summarized in three points, one of which pointed out that Toyota and its satellite factories have good supply chain partnership. And the assignment of duties in construction industry is compared more complicated and delicate with automotive industry. This study suggest that the collaboration between the contractor and its subcontractors in construction industry is more worth discussing. In this research, I choose Kumagai., Co, one of the well-known Japanese construction company, as the object of this study. First, I review the literature of Japanese culture and Social Capital Theory, and take the case study method of qualitative research as methodology. For the purpose of interpreting Kumagai’s practice of dealing with the collaboration with its subcontractors, I analyze the relationship between Kumagai and its subcontractors by explaining all the phenomenon via Japanese culture and Social Capital Theory. This study found that “Collectivism” and “Partnership” are embodied in the Kukenkai which is a model of collaboration in Japanese construction industry and established by Kumagai. And the operation of this network can also be explained by Social Capital Theory in accordance with the structural dimension, relational dimension and cognitive dimension, a concept from Nahapiet and Ghoshal. With the viewpoint from the past scholars, enterprises can maintain or enhance their competiveness through social capital and increase corporate value of parties. Also, making good use of social capital has prevailed for many years in East Asian countries. So I suggest that the case of Kumagai and Kukenkai may be a feasible reference as one of the strategy for contractors in Taiwan in the near future.


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