  • 學位論文


Evaluating Taiwan’ s Policy of House Charging and Escrowing for the Elderly: Lessons from Japan’ s Elderly Residence System

指導教授 : 張國暉


本篇論文研究脈絡圍繞在「老人租屋」以及「包租代管政策」,透過文獻書裡以及相關專業領域人員訪談的方式,試圖釐清老人在租屋市場中所面臨的困境;同時在包租代管政策制定探討中,透過日本租房制度運作的經驗,希望提供台灣在包租代管政策推動初期參考與借鏡。在台灣經驗中,本研究發現:(1)台灣對於「老人」的普遍歧視認知,以及(2) 包租代管政策仍屬制度制定初期階段,造成租屋政策推行受阻。本研究在日本經驗上也發現:(1)中央主導政策的重要性、(2)政策推動方向改變的重要性、(3)法律階層明確性與部會合作必須性,以及(4)政策制定須因地制宜等結論。本研究在最後也提出未來台灣政府應制定課稅法規、選舉與居住政策相結合等方式,讓未來居住政策推行能夠更加順利。


台灣 老人 租屋 包租代管政策 日本


The axis of this research is focusing on “Renting of the Elderly” and “Policy of Housing Charging and Escrowing”. This research tries to find out predicaments of the elderly tenants by arranging related-documents and interviewing experts in the field of housing policy. In the issue of policy of housing charging and escrowing, this research discusses the experiences of Japan’s elderly residence system, providing some references for Taiwan’s government. This research concludes two main situations of Taiwan: (1) the general stereotypes of the elderly and (2) the policy of housing charging and escrowing is still an initial policy, and which make Taiwan’s renting policy obstruct. This research also indicates four necessities from Japan’s experience: (1) central government dominates housing policy (2) changes in the direction of policy implementation (3) clear stratums of law and cooperation of ministry (4) policy developments should according to local conditions. Finally, this research is also proposed that Taiwan’s government should formulate (1) tax laws and regulation and (2) combination of election and living issue, and which will let residence policy more smoothly afterwards.


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https://www.thenewslens.com/article/42581。2017.12.6 檢索。
一般財団法人 高齢者住宅財団(2011)。《老年住宅設計手冊》。北京:中國建築工業出版社。
中央研究院社會所(2007)。〈台灣 1995-2005 家庭結構圖〉。
