  • 學位論文


Optical studies of super-resolution near-field nano recording

指導教授 : 蔡定平


本論文的主要工作在於研究超分辨近場結構光碟片之所以具有可解析繞射極限尺寸以下之記錄點能力的原因,以及隱含在其中的物理作用及問題。首先藉由射頻反應濺鍍技術(RF reactive sputtering)實際製作不同結構之超分辨近場光碟片,並利用穿遂式電子顯微鏡(transmission electron microscope, TEM)及掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(scanning electron microscope, SEM)觀察並監測在不同參數下所製作出之超分辨近場結構的異同,同時針對不同參數所製作出的超分辨近場結構,進行近場及遠場光學的量測與研究。在近場光學的研究當中,我們發現超分辨近場結構在近場中具有非線性光學性質,而此性質的起因是由於侷域性表面電漿子增強效應(localized surface plasmon enhancement)所造成的。了解超分辨近場碟片的主要工作機制後,我們便嘗試利用不同的材料及結構,以期能製作出具有更佳讀寫特性之超分辨近場光碟,在本論文中,我們提出採用氧化鋅(ZnOx)作為新一代近場光碟片的主要作用層,具有結構安定及高讀取載子雜訊比(carrier to noise ratio, CNR)等優點,除此之外,我們也利用商用的DVD光碟機系統寫入及讀取小於繞射極限的記錄點,並成功地解析200奈米以下的記錄點,初步證實在現今的DVD商用光碟片基板及碟機系統下,可望達到單層單面約15GB的容量目標。


Near-field optical disk technology is a new way to achieve ultrahigh density optical recording. Marks smaller than diffraction limit can be recorded and then be readout by conventional pickup head of DVD driver. In this thesis, we study the optical properties and working mechanisms of different types of super-resolution near-field optical disk structures. At first, we successfully fabricate Sb type and AgOx type near-field disk by RF reactive sputtering process. Tunneling electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to analyze the nanostructures of these two types of near-field optical disks. Near-field optical properties are also measured by a home-made tapping-mode tuning-fork near-field scanning optical microscope (TMTF-NSOM). We found that there are strong nonlinear optical enhancements of AgOx thin film in the near-field. Localized surface plasmon excitations are found to be the main working mechanism for retrieving the small marks beyond the diffraction limit. Based on the known working mechanism of near-field optical disk, we investigate ZnOx nano-structured thin film as a new type near-field active layer of near-field optical disk. A 30dB carrier to noise ratio (CNR) of 100nm mark train was obtained, and close to 40dB of CNR for 200nm recorded marks can be achieved. A commercial DVD driver has successfully used to demonstrate the readout of small marks of ZnOx type near-field optical disk with signal modulations of 200nm marks.


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