  • 學位論文


The discussion of Product sourcing system by vertical social network in the e-commerce business model

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


隨著網際網路之發達及科技之演進,虛擬社群網站及電子商務網站經營的模式也不斷翻新,然而觀察目前多數經營的模式,虛擬社群及電子商務似乎某些層面來說還是如同兩條同時進行的平行線,各有各的特性及優勢,如何結合這些優勢及特性,創造出另一型態之社群商務經營模式,是目前多數社群網站及電子商務網站的經營者都在尋找的方向。 大型網路購物商城的經營模式,就是不斷的開發大量的商品上架,讓消費者進入商城選購,而以經營小眾社群電子商務的角度來看,漫無目的的開發大量商品上架,將會徒增內部的商品開發人力及倉儲物流等經營成本,因此,由使用者在社群網站內所產生的內容中聚焦,應更可以發現消費者真正的需求,針對此需求再進行商品之開發及販售,在管理上將會更有效率。 本研究試圖透過研究分析社群網站內使用者原創內容,以內容分析法針對社群網站內使用者原創內容進行分析,並將結果透過焦點團體訪談的方式,產出該時段該社群網站較為熱門的商品建議清單,並在最後針對本研究提出之結論與管理實務意涵進行介紹,同時也將說明研究限制及未來研究方向,期能對於小眾社群之經營者,找到一個較有效率的商品開發模式。


Impacted by the evolution of internet and technology, the business models of social network and E-commerce are keeping changed. Studying and observing most of the business models of social network and E-commerce, both are run with totally different attribute and advantage from each other. Most of the social network company and E-commerce website companies are seeking how to merge those attributes and advantages to create a new business model now. Currently, the business model of mega-size E-commerce website is boosting the product lists on the website for potential consumers, which we call the business model as store model. However, from the social network company or vertical website’s perspective, the store model could be wasting the resources of personnel in sourcing and the costs of storage and shipping. Therefore, for social network or vertical websites’, sourcing the right products by trying to find the strong needs of customers would be the better strategy not only in resources-efficient but management perspectives as well. The study is to analyze the user-generated contents through the content-analyzing-method, followed by the focusing group discussion to generate the perspective products for the social network or vertical website at that time. Finally, based on this study, propose the conclusion and the meaning or how to apply to practice. Meanwhile, the restrain of the study and the potential direction for the future study is noted. Wish the study and the results could be a help for the social network and vertical website companies to find a more efficient business model.


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