  • 學位論文


A Study on Traffic Safety Parameters under Mixed Traffic Flow

指導教授 : 許添本


台灣市區道路中,混合車流為最普遍之車流狀況,其中機車常被視為「亂源」,其原因為其體積小,無相應車道讓它行駛在上面,而且能夠輕易在車陣中穿梭行駛等特性,對於行車秩序與交通安全是一大隱憂。 本研究擬採用車流秩序、安全相關參數,用於表達機車於不同道路配置上的整體車隊表現,以分析如何的道路配置,能夠使機車車流變得有秩序,避免機車於混合車流中與其他車種的車輛產生交織,引發衝突,以達到降低機車相關肇事數量的目的。 本研究對於採用之車流秩序參數,方向亂度,散度,加速擾度,為了配合車輛偵測座標化與參數計算電腦化之工作,進行符合本研究需要之更動,並經由統計檢定,確保經過改動之參數,仍然能表達不同道路配置之差異。再者,本研究經過實際道路調查後,確定車流秩序參數能夠表現肇事數量差異之多寡。 隨後,本研究以VISSIM5.1版進行交通電腦模擬,考慮在相同的道路幾何與其他交通條件下,不同道路配置;一般道路配置與機車專用道配置,是否會影響車流秩序參數的表現,以及模擬結果是否也能反映差異。 經過交通電腦模擬結果的分析,確定方向亂度、散度、加速擾度,皆能夠反映不同道路配置下的差異,但是對於能夠表達機車相關肇事數量差異之多寡的參數,只有方向亂度。散度只能夠表現機車使用機車虛擬車道的程度,加速擾度則是因為交通電腦模擬相較現況較為安定,影響因素少,而遠低於現況。 總體而言,機車專用道的設計,確實對車流秩序產生影響,表現的結果也與機車專用道設計理念相同,能夠使機車車流更有秩序,避免與其他車種衝突,減低機車相關肇事的產生。


Mixed traffic flow is the most common traffic situation in urban areas in Taiwan. The motorcycles are usually thought to be the source of chaos. The reasons are that the size of motorcycles is small, and they do not have their own lanes, weaving among the hurtling cars and heavy vehicles like a seamstress in search of a seam. The action makes traffic unsafety and without regular rules. In this study, it picks up some traffic safety related parameters, ”Direct”, “Dummy Lane”, “Acceleration Noise” ,and does some adjustment on them in order to make these be calculated by a computer. Also, it discovered that the “Direct” and “Acceleration Noise” can reflect the difference of the amount of motorcycle related accident density of different road designs, the exclusive motorcycle lane. However, comparing the values of these parameters which were output from several different scenarios of the VISSIM simulation experiments. It found that only the “Direct” parameter fit the result mentioned above. The “Dummy Lane” and “Acceleration Noise” can only reflect the traffic flow conditions of different road designs in simulation environment. Above all, the design of the exclusive motorcycle lane make some good influences to the traffic. It exactly prevent the motorcycles from conflict with other vehicles, and reduce the amount of motorcycle related accident density.


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