  • 學位論文


Research on Strategies of the Upgrade of the Industry 4.0 for the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in CNC Sector in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳政鴻


台灣製造業近年來面臨全球化的競爭、以及中國紅色供應鏈的挑戰,在國內也面臨少子化、人口老化、工資上漲等問題,對大部分的企業經營產生嚴重影響。如果能夠跟隨第四次工業革命的發展方向,藉由轉型智慧製造來提升國家和企業競爭力,將是一個良好契機。故引發身處CNC加工業的我,對發展智慧製造的研究動機。 本研究經文獻探討德國工業4.0與我國生產力4.0的意涵,並蒐集現階段發展智慧製造相關解決方案,規劃出適合台灣現階段的「工業3.5」,彈性決策與智慧製造CNC工廠藍圖,以成本效益分析法進行各解決方案的比較,以CP值高低依序列出解決方案的導入順序。 工業4.0的願景非一蹴可及,在各項技術和標準尚未形成共識前,CNC加工相關產業,可參考本研究各解決方案的成本效益分析及建議導入順序。規劃適合自己企業「工業3.5」的解決方案,例如有的企業選擇先從營運管理上進行改變,藉由資訊數位化、網路化來提升管理效能,縮短交期來服務客戶,提高客戶滿意度。而有的企業選擇逐步進行工廠自動化改善作業,或在設備上安裝感測器,提高生產作業各項監控能力,透過物聯網和大數據的蒐集,進行多面向的分析及改善,來提升企業競爭力。 尚處在工業2.0到工業3.0階段的台灣中小企業,應發展「工業3.5」逐步提高公司生產資訊化和製造彈性,以及設備自動化和智能化的程度,如同本研究一樣,盡早蒐集和規劃適合自己公司的智慧製造解決方案,拉開與紅色供應鏈競爭者的差距,朝向工業4.0虛實整合的智慧工廠目標前進。拒絕改變或停滯不前的中小企業,將在此次工業4.0的洪流中逐漸消失。


In recent years, manufacturing industry in Taiwan has been facing global competition and the challenges of Chinese red supply chain; moreover, the problems of aging population, and rise of wages and so on in Taiwan. The aforementioned problems have impacted on most of the Taiwanese enterprises. By following the evolvement of Industry 4.0 and a change to intelligence manufacturing, it will be a good opportunity to increase both enterprises’ and country’s competitiveness. Intelligence manufacturing motivates me that I’ve been serving in CNC processing sector, to explore and study further about the potential development for benefits on Taiwanese enterprises. The research is to explore the design principles of German Industry 4.0 and the Taiwan Productivity 4.0 Initiative respectively and understand the solutions or alternatives for developing intelligence manufacture at current stage; furthermore, draw up a plan right for current Industry 3.5 in Taiwan, including flexible decision-making process, intelligence manufacturing scheme of CNC processing factory. The plan shall compare all the possible solutions based on cost-effectiveness analysis and prioritize by its outcome on the value. Industry 4.0 is still a long way to go. Prior to the maturity of related technologies and standards, all the solutions on cost-effectiveness analysis and proposed priority for implementation, of which discussed in this research, are recommended to be taken into consideration for CNC processing-related sectors. For developing suitable Industry 3.5 for the enterprises in order to increase the competitiveness, it is recommended to start from operation management engineering, digitalization to better management effectiveness, to install sensors on equipment for monitoring and improving the capacity, and to analyze by more diversified aspects and orientations through internet of thing (IOT) and big data. The small and medium enterprises in the stage between Industry 2.0 and Industry 3.0 in Taiwan are recommended to develop Industry 3.5 in terms of digitalization on production, flexibility of manufacturing, an upgrade of equipment automation and intelligence as early as possible in order to increase their competitiveness and shorten the technology difference from Chinese red supply chain’s competitors; furthermore, move forward to transformation of Industry 4.0 for integration of intelligence manufacturing. Those enterprises which are reluctant to change will be squeezed out.


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