  • 學位論文


Taiwan’s Financial Conditions Index And Its Relation With The Housing Price

指導教授 : 陳旭昇


2008年全球金融海嘯凸顯房價對經濟發展與金融穩定的重要性,本研究擬建構臺灣的金融情勢指數(Financial Conditions Index, 以下簡稱FCI),捕捉經濟成長狀況,並進一步探討其與房價關係。首先,依據經濟理論與文獻論述,針對股票市場、貨幣市場與外匯市場,分別選取代表價、量變動的六個主要變數。接著,參考德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)的建構方式,透過國內同時指標綜合指數與各變數的線性迴歸模型來估算組合權數,且對應的正、負符號均能符合總體經濟理論,再予以相乘加總,即為臺灣的FCI。最後,利用 Granger 因果關係檢定及様本外預測表現,探討臺灣FCI 與房價關係,評估是否具有領先的特性,以利政府適時研提對策,預防房價飆漲可能衍生的傷害。


Since the eruption of Great Recession in 2008, it has highlighted the housing price’s profound effect on economic and financial development. The main purpose of this paper is to develop an approach for constructing Taiwan’s financial conditions index (FCI), to seize the gross demand and its relation with the housing price. At first, employing economic theory and thesis, we obtain six common factors to capture the price and quantity fluctuations in the stock market, the money market and the foreign exchange market. Secondly, we construct the FCI based on these factors, with their weights determined by the method of Deutsche Bank, and find the resulting signs of these weights are consistent with the implications of macroeconomic theories. Finally, the results of Granger causality tests and the pseudo out-of-sample experiments suggest that the FCI developed in this paper can lead the dynamics of housing price. This property may be helpful for government to take measures to prevent the destruction from soaring housing price.


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