  • 學位論文

特徵價格法應用於老舊住宅價格分析 以外牆整建為例

Application of Hedonic Price Method for Price Analysis of Aged Houses in Taipei –Case study for Impacts of Exterior Wall Renovation

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


外牆整建為目前能快速有效達到都市更新的方法之一,政府也希望透過補助政策達到改善市容、提升生活環境品質之目的,近年來也有文獻指出外牆整建具有提升房屋價值之效益,是故本研究透過特徵價格法進行分析,建立老舊住宅之特徵價格模型,並透過模型分析外牆整建對於老舊住宅之價值提升。 本研究利用透過內政部營建署及台北市政府都發局都更處及民間營造業者提供之台北市大安區外牆整建案例共5件及附近性質相似之老舊住宅大樓案例32件,並透過房仲業者取得2008年起共81筆實際交易資料,為有效分析外牆整建之效果,本研究採用半對數模型建立特徵價格模型。 因交易資料為多年期間蒐集而得,需考慮市場價格波動,故本研究採用兩種模式進行評估以找出較符合實際情況之方式,模式一為在分析中加入交易年度因素來分析,此法可以分析每一交易年度對房地產價值產生之影響,模式二為採用房價指數將所有交易折現至2011年第二季,此法可以消除市場波動產生之價格差異。 實證結果,得到以下結論,模式一與模式二分析結果不論在模型解釋力與顯著性部分相差不多,但因模式一之年度經濟水平時間採用範圍較廣,故本研究認為模式二在使用上較貼近實際情況,而影響老舊住宅價格之顯著因素包含: 1.交易時間為2008年度,將使房價降低16.55%。 2.交易時間為2009年度,將使房價降低14.4%。 3.交易時間為2011年度,將使房價增加7.26%。 4.房地產移轉面積每增加一坪,將會使房地產增值1.1%。 5.經過外牆整建,將會使房地產增值15.67%。


Exterior wall renovation is currently one of the major methods to achieve urban renewal quickly and effectively, and the government also aimed to improve the city appearance and enhance the quality of living environment through the subsidy policy. In recent years, more theses showed that exterior wall renovation can enhance the value of housing. Therefore this thesis formed the hedonic price model of aged housing through the hedonic price method analysis and discussed the impacts of exterior wall renovation. This study collected and analysed used 5 exterior wall renovation cases in Da-an district provided by Taipei government, 32 old housing of a similar nature in the vicinity, and 81 actual deal datas provided by property agency. In order to analyze exterior wall renovation effectively, this adopt semi-logarithmic model to form the hedonic price model. This considered market price fluctuations and used two methods to find a more realistic manner. Model one can analyze the value of each transaction resulting from the annual impact on the real estate by adding transaction year factors. Model two conbimed house price index to discount all transactions to the second quarter of 2011 and it can eliminate the difference between the market price fluctuations. This concluded that model one and model two resulted similar both in the model explanatory power and significant part. However model one used a wider range of price level, this suggested that model two was more close to the actual situation. The significant factors of affecting the old housing price included: 1.The house price reduced by 16.55% in 2008 trading year. 2.The house price reduced by 14.4% in 2009 trading year. 3.The house price increasedd by 7.26% in 2011 trading year. 4.When the real estate transfer area increased, the real eatate value increased by 1.1%/ping. 5.Exterior wall renovation made the real eatate value increase by 15.67%.


22.張智元,「建築醫學之概念與應用機制研究」,國立台灣大學土木研究所博士論文, 2006。


