  • 學位論文

高爾夫產業創新商業模式之研究: 以代工產業轉型為例

Business Model Innovation Study in Golf Industry: On Equipment OEM Service Transformation

指導教授 : 游張松


高爾夫產業是台灣經濟發展過程中重要的外銷產業之一,高爾夫運動為全球化之市場,經濟規模龐大,在行銷與製造之分工清楚,各司其專精之價值活動,台灣高爾夫製造業者歷經30多年之製造經驗,以生產成本優勢成為全球品牌商最重要的生產夥伴。90年代起代工產業陸續將生產工廠轉移至中國大陸地區,使得中國大陸成為美、日高爾夫球用品之重要供應區。然而近幾年中國大陸工資高漲,侵蝕獲利,以往成本優勢已不復在,整體產業已處於成熟期,市場趨於飽和,品牌商為創造產品差異化,在產品功能與外觀設計上益趨複雜,製造工序繁複,成本增高,已造成代工業者營運管理及成本管控上的困難。 高爾夫產業與經濟發展有著密切關係,近幾年美、日主要市場皆因經濟因素造成需求停滯,反觀中國、巴西、印度等開發中新興國家,受惠於產業轉移,大量基礎建設投資等因素,國民收入及消費能力急速成長,富人及中產階級人口急速增加,其中尤以中國為最,隨著2016年奧運競賽加入高爾夫項目的題材發酵,對於自許從體育大國邁向超級體育強國的中國來說,勢必將帶動高爾夫風氣與消費人口的提升,整體市場處於成長期,未來需求將不斷擴大,掌握市場確切需求與趨勢,為企業發展的機會點。 本研究以價值創造循環分析(Value Creation Cycle)七大構面解析高爾夫產業,產業整體由PGA(Professional Golfers Association)掌握利益分配,以競賽創造產業價值,高爾夫球具標準、遊戲規則演變專為球手而設計,形成一般消費者進入的障礙,本研究認為以解決消費者問題及服務一般消費大眾做為策略思考基礎,創造差異化的競爭策略,以創新的商業模式,開創新的市場,尋求新的獲利方式,定能在低迷的市場中開創新局。 本研究以高爾夫代工廠為研究個案,透過SWOT分析與核心能力交叉分析,歸納出個案公司之競爭優勢為客戶夥伴關係、豐富產業知識,及生產製造能力;在五力分析下,代工產業正面臨高成本、低售價的產業環境,只能以降低成本的策略因應,面對獲利不斷被侵蝕的困境,個案公司亟需尋找新的商機,本研究以個案的核心競爭能力為基礎,結合「解決消費者問題」的策略思考模式,制定出「For Fun」與「For Practice + Custom fitting」作為個案公司轉型服務產業的策略主軸,在面對全新的市場與目標客層,需要一套不同以往的商業模式來因應,重新定義價值主張與關鍵能力,找出關鍵成功因素,面對中國大陸與新興市場,做好佈局,為企業找到一片藍海。


Golf equipment manufacturing industry is one of the important export businesses in Taiwan economic development. Golf is a global sports and has developed to great economical scale industry over the past decades. Golf industry is now highly commercialized that each activity in this industry is well defined, specialized, and managed. Global golf authority and agency are promoting golf through academic programs and tournament of all level. Golf equipment brands focus on designs and equipment promotion. Equipment manufacturing is OEMed to Asia manufactures. Taiwan golf equipment manufacturing industry has become the most important player in golf equipment OEM by advancing its capabilities, efficiency, and flexibility in the past 30 years. China has been attracting manufactures from all over the world to build factories in China. Taiwan golf equipment is no exception. Thus China has become the major golf equipment manufacturing country. With the increasing cost in labor and operation in China, manufactures in China are losing its cost advantage and has becoming less and less profitable. As the golf equipment market growth and overall demand come to a stall, golf equipment brands are trying to differentiate themselves from competitors by creating complex designs and attractive features that consumers could appreciate. The complex designs and features greatly increase the cost and complexity to manufactures. Manufactures are facing great challenges on operation and cost management. Golf industry development is closely related to economic development. The growth of golf participation and equipment demand has been stalling in major markets in the recent years such as United States and Japan due to economic recession in these regions. Emerging countries such as China, Brazil, and India, benefit from immense investments in infrastructure and from foreign businesses, average income and buying power have grown rapidly. The population of wealthy people and middle class increased significantly. China tops on this economic development competition. China has been a competition sports superpower for decades. With golf becomes an Olympic Sports starting 2016, golf will be a major sports to be promoted by Chinese officials. It could be expected that golf will quickly be more popular and we will see a significant increase in golf population and equipment demand. Golf market in China is in growing trend and future demand is increasing. To precisely capture market demand and trend will be a key opportunity of corporation development. Golf industry is analyzed through the seven facets of Value Creation Cycle in this research. PGA (Professional Golfers Association) controls global and regional golf operations and benefits distribution systems. It creates industrial and commercial values through (professional) competitions. To enhance the value created by competitions, golf equipment standards, rules of the game and competition have been changed solely based on competition focus. These changes and regulations make the game much more difficult and become obstacles for consumers to enjoy golf. This research proposes to develop businesses strategies in the slow golf market by resolving golf amateurs’ problems to enjoy the game and providing access and services to general public to golf. New businesses are built based on differentiating competitive strategies, innovating business models, and developing new market segments. This research focuses on a golf equipment OEM – the Company. Through cross-analysis of SWOT and core strengths, it identifies the Company’s competitive advantages are customer relations, abundant industrial knowledge, and manufacturing capabilities. Utilizing Five Forces Analysis we discovered OEM industry can only respond to the quandary of high manufacturing cost and low sale price in this industry by reducing cost through endless improvement projects. The Company urges for developing new business opportunities to get off the profit slump in the golf manufacturing industry and build sustainable businesses. Based on the Company’s core competitive strengths, this research incorporates “Resolutions of consumers’problems” strategic thinking to define “For Fun” and “For Practice + Custom Fitting“ as the core business strategies to transform the company to a service based business. To service the new market and target customer segments, it needs a revolutionary business model to define value propositions, critical capabilities, and key success factors to thoroughly plan and develop prosperous business in China and emerging markets.


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