  • 學位論文


Research on Success Factors and Strategies for Competitiveness in the Mobile Service Industry

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


行動通訊產業近幾年一直是備受矚目及廣受大家關注的重點產業之一。如近期蘋果創辦人賈伯斯的辭世,舉世震驚,社會大眾普遍對蘋果未來的持續創新能力感到擔憂。而智慧型手機自從成為大眾的生活必需品之後,功能越來越強,行動通訊產業市場的趨勢及動向,充斥著許多破壞性創新,隨著行動技術、行動服務和行動應用的全面性發展,智慧型手機已改變了大眾上網的習慣,創造了許多行動上網的需求。而這也使得越來越多資通訊的供應商及服務者紛紛投入這塊高速成長的市場。 由於行動通訊產業不像資訊產業已非常成熟業已在技術上完整的整合,目前其技術的複雜程度高、且其投資金額也高,在業界中仍有許多在軟體或硬體上各自掌握著關鍵技術及並在市場具備重要地位。如3G通訊晶片模組廠商的美商高通、及具備行動應用服務,並塑造Android智慧型手機開放平台的Google,還有以獨到的使用者介面創造iPhone熱潮的Apple,以及和Nokia結盟,想將其市場版圖在行動通訊產業擴大的微軟。本研究藉由探討行動通訊產業的產業結構以及重要廠商們在其中的布局與動向,來推論出行動通訊服務廠商的應注意的方向和重點。 同時,經由探討個案A公司的案例來歸納出行動通訊服務廠商的關鍵成功因素和策略定位。而根據以上發現,本研究提出對行動通訊服務廠商未來的發展策略和後續研究的建議。


Since mobile bandwidth is no longer an issue, along with more and more mobile application and new business innovation is booming, plenty of suppliers and service providers pet their emphasis into mobile telecommunication industry. The new mobile technology and applications changed the user scenario of browsing internet and have enormous impact of the whole ecosystem. This also explains why lots of companies devote themselves into mobile industry. However, the complexity of mobile technology and huge amount of investment are the entry barriers to step into mobile industry. There are several major hardware players, also software players, have significant influence into this field. They have control over the important IP; create the successful smart devices and content that owns market share. We will look into the mobile ecosystem and study the trend and strategy of these key players that impact the mobile industry and make the standards of it. Meanwhile, we will study a company that has long history in the embedded and mobile industry. By reviewing his past history and key strategy made, along with the comparison of the financial results, we summarized it’s key successful factors and strategy positioning. With all these observations, we further proposed the key successful factors and strategy for the mobile service company for the future research.


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