  • 學位論文


Archives Disclosure in Transitional Justice Context:Focusing on the Experiences of Negotiated Democratization States

指導教授 : 張文貞


在台灣,政府僅以金錢賠(補)償二二八事件及白色恐怖期間人權侵害事件的受害者,而並未設立真相調查委員會來調查相關人權侵害事件的真相,受到社會許多質疑。政府不公開相關檔案,造成受害者及研究者均無法取得相關政府檔案資料,也有要求制定關於政治檔案的檔案公開特別法的聲浪。在此背景下,本文欲藉由比較台灣、南韓、南非這三個協商式民主轉型國家,在其轉型正義脈絡下的檔案公開制度,試圖找出台灣與其他兩個被認為人權侵害事件真相發現較高的國家相比,其制度是否確實規範不足。倘若有,則有哪些制度應加以改善;倘若沒有,又是哪些原因造成台灣人權侵害事件的真相如此隱諱? 本文先建立起轉型正義脈絡下的檔案公開制度,並比較台灣、南韓、南非之制度之是否與之相符。本文發現,台灣、南韓、南非皆未針對轉型正義脈絡下的檔案訂定特別規定,而是適用一般的政府資訊公開以及檔案公開法制。三個國家一般性的政府資訊及檔案公開法制之規定,作為轉型正義檔案開放之環境各有利弊,其中,台灣涉及國家機密及國家安全檔案的相關規定,最不利於檔案之揭露。 在台灣、南韓、南非三國之政府資訊制度檔案公開,對於轉型正義檔案開放互有優劣之情形下,本文也發現台灣的真相會特別不明朗的原因,乃是因為並無其他轉型正義機制具有調查政府機關檔案之強制力、民主轉型模式所帶動的政府面對真相之態度、以及台灣檔案管理及開放制度之落實問題。因此本文認為,為了發掘人權侵害事件的真相,台灣應該針對轉型正義脈絡下的檔案訂定特別的檔案公開制度,尤其是針對被藏得最深的國家機密及國家安全之相關檔案。並且,不讓法規命令或行政規則架空法律之適用。此外,也應賦予其他轉型正義機制強制力,讓檔案開放制度下所無法揭露的檔案,仍有被公開的機會。


Nowadays, Taiwanese society demands the government to legislate a special act on disclosure of the archives in the context of transitional justice. The transitional justice measures that Taiwan has so far undertaken were merely to compensate victims. Meanwhile, victims and researchers cannot acquire archives or records to seek out the truth regarding the gross human rights violations in the past under the normal archives disclosure system. Therefore, this thesis is attempted to understand whether the relevant laws applicable to the disclosure of archives related to gross human rights violation in Taiwan is worse than those of other countries. Then, it tends to figure out the cause of the covered truth in Taiwan by comparing the disclosure systems for the archives under transitional justice in Taiwan, South Korea, and South Africa. This thesis discovers that all these three countries do not enact a special act on the disclosure of the archives in transitional justice context. Furthermore, there are no overwhelming merits nor weaknesses for the archives disclosure in transitional justice context in the normal archives or official information disclosure systems. However, among the three disclosure systems, Taiwan has the worst problem regarding the disclosure of confidential archives. The reasons that the truth in Taiwan is much blurrier than the other two countries include the access to the related files of transitional justice institutions, the attitude of the government when facing the truth resulted from the modes of democratization of the states, and the implementation status of the legislation of archives disclosure in Taiwan.


