  • 學位論文


Production, Forbiddance, Heritage:The War Writing in Taiwan Literature (1949-2015)

指導教授 : 梅家玲


台灣文學中與戰爭主題相關的文學作品多不勝數,台灣文學史的發展遷變,也與台灣的戰爭歷史經驗互為表裡。本文試圖以「生產.禁制.遺緒」為出發點,重新討論1949年之後的台灣文學,在「準戰爭體制」與多重戰爭歷史經驗的匯合下,戰爭書寫的複雜面貌。「生產」與「禁制」的概念,協助本文切入國民政府遷台之後,「準戰爭體制」與文學生態之間的互動關係。包含國家以戰爭、軍事治理為由,對文學生態的動員與管制,也涉及主流戰爭意識與認知框架下,戰爭記憶的建構、壓抑與排除;「遺緒」的概念,則有助我們理解台灣作家是在何種書寫資源(或限制)下,以其美學選擇回應其所承繼的戰爭記憶、歷史債務,進而形成不斷連鎖、延伸、變異的現象。 本文主要以1949年之後,與戰爭主題相關的小說作品為分析對象。從反共小說、殖民地時期的二戰經驗書寫、八二三砲戰的相關作品,到晚近長篇小說對戰爭記憶的對話與超越,都與戰爭背後「生產」、「禁制」、「遺緒」的現象,有著密切的互動關係。這些問題包含了反共小說在主流戰爭敘事生產下,內蘊的「不安」性格;殖民地時期戰爭記憶的禁忌與重構;金門戰地「禁制」與「神聖」帶來的衝突與轉化;以及90年代後戰爭書寫中,複雜的哀悼敘事工程。本文的論述,突破過往圍繞單一族群、戰爭經驗的研究,使得處在多重戰爭經驗下的台灣戰爭書寫,有了彼此聯繫、互動,再生產的可能。


In the history of Taiwan literature, numerous literary work has been devoted to war memory. In addition, the development of Taiwan literature is closely connected to the war history in Taiwan. In this dissertation, the author discusses the different aspects of war writing in Taiwan literature after 1949, under the quasi war-time system and the historical experience of multiple wars. First, this research reconsidered the interactive relations between quasi war-time system and literature production effectively based on the concept of “production” and “forbiddance,” including how the country used military governance to mobilize and control the literary field. The research also revealed that the construction, suppression, and elimination of war memory was an authentic reflection of the mainstream narratives at the time. Second, the research, furthermore, probed into how the historical context in which Taiwan writers responded to the war memory and the historical debts they inherited through the lens of the concept “heritage.” This dissertation focused on the novels related to war theme after 1949.These novels range from those that are anti-Communist novels, the writing of World War II experience in Japanese colonial period, the articles about Second Taiwan Strait Crisis, and the novels about the war memories in recent years. These different cases were all closely related to the phenomenon of "production", "prohibition", ”heritage”. The facets discussed include the "precariousness" of anti-communist novels in the production of mainstream war narrative, the repression and narration of war memories in the Japanese colonial period, the narrative transformation as a result of the" prohibition" and "divine" in Quemoy warzone, and the complex mourning narrative process in novels after 90’s. The dissertation, unlike those that focused mostly on single war experience, interprets the war writing under the multiple war experiences in a more interactive, reflective, and productive way.


───,《重構台灣:當代台灣民族主義的文化政治》( 台北:聯經,2012)。
