  • 學位論文


The Implementation Problems of Accrediting Civil Engineering Programs

指導教授 : 張陸滿


國際上的先進工業國家,向來都非常重視如何確保工程科技教育之品質,以及促進國際間交流合作等議題。加上我國國內近幾年來,不僅出現了許多新興的學校院系,專科、技術學院也紛紛改制或升格為科技大學,而各大學也不斷設立新的科系和研究所,競相投入培育工程人才的行列。雖然台灣的高等教育在學率已達先進國家水準,但高等教育所培養的人才不能為產業所用,實是一項令人憂心的警訊,土木工程領域也是如此。 為了因應國內產業的變遷,以及國際間的競爭,建立並執行「工程及科技教育認證」制度乃是必走的道路。而其改善與落實之重要更是不言而喻。於是國內成立了中華工程教育學會(IEET)來執行此重要任務。IEET為一非官方、非營利的學術性社團法人組織且為國內首家受教育部認可的國內專業評鑑機構。 本研究透過文獻回顧、實地訪評、專家訪談…等三個管道,來蒐集整理目前國內土木工程教育認證執行上所面臨之問題;以及其落實之困難點。並且透過問卷統計的方式,深入探討每個問題的嚴重、困難程度,以及其可能之解決辦法。 經由本研究結果發現,目前的確有許多駁雜之問題存在,並且在所提出探討的四十二個問題中,有十二個問題是被專家們認為嚴重的,無論是制度規範上、課程、評量、教師、契合土木工程教育程度、文化與政策、乃至落實上。而透過訪談及問卷,我們發現在認證程序及認證規範之問題上,經由規範修正、改良,搭配學程之配合來改善目前所面臨之問題及落實困難較為容易及有其可行性。但是真正依照可行方法來執行規範修正之後的效果,也有待時日來證明。 反之在無相對性認證規範的問題上,則因為涉及學校行政支援、政府政策、甚至國家文化、價值觀等因素,難以依靠認證規範來改善,也是被認為最難克服的問題。此點從改善難度等第分數、專家意見以及可能的改善方法數量皆可看出端倪。


Advanced industrial countries have always attaches great importance to ensure the quality of engineering, science, and technology education. And they also pay attention to promote international exchange and cooperation. Due to the changes of the domestic industry, as well as international competition, to establish an engineering and technology education certification system is the road we must take. Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET) is therefore established to perform this important task. Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET) is a non-government and nonprofit academic entity. It is the first professional institution legally authorized by Taiwan Ministry of Education for accrediting university engineering programs. Through this research, the problems were grouped into 4 categories. They are: 1. Procedure of certification, 2. Norms of certification, 3. Standards of the results, and 4. other related issues. This study focused on finding out the deficiencies of the current accreditation system that ensures the quality and consistency of engineering education. Methods of literature review, expert interviews and observations of accreditation site visit were used to determine the critical issues with which civil engineering education certifications system in Taiwan is facing, the difficulties are encountered and potential solutions. And by means of the statistics of the questionnaire, in-depth to explore the severity of each problem, the degree of difficulty, and possible solutions.


2. 中華工程教育學會(2010),工程及科技教育認證規範(AC 2010)解說,中華工程教育學會。
3. 中華工程教育學會(2010),工程教育認證規範(EAC 2010),中華工程教育學會。
4. 中華工程教育學會(2010),工程教育認證規範解說(EAC 2010),中華工程教育學會。
6. 中華工程教育學會(2010),實地訪評注意事項,中華工程教育學會。
1. 中華工程教育學會 http://www.ieet.com.tw
