  • 學位論文


A Study on Mandatory Takeover Law System of Private Participation in Infrastructure-Centering on Major Transportation Facilities-

指導教授 : 林明鏘


我國於1994年公布之獎勵民間參與交通建設條例及2000年公布之促進民間參與公共建設法,建置了民間參與公共建設之法源,進而開展出臺灣高速鐵路(HSR)、高雄捷運(KMRT) 及國道電子收費系統(ETC)等重大交通建設。民間參與公共建設法制在實務之發展,不難發現有許多政治、經濟及法律交錯之影響。因政府機關基於保障公共利益之角色,與民間機構為營利單位,存有本質上之利害衝突,政府機關如何在與民間機構爭議不斷、公共建設經營不善,甚至出現公共服務停擺、中斷之危險時,適度地介入民間機構之營運,實屬重要的問題。其中,政府機關面臨重大交通建設可能因經營不善而破產,導致人民使用公共建設之權利受影響時,該如何運用國家擔保責任之理念落實在現行法制,發動強制接管之權限。抑或,立法者應如何遵循相關民間參與公共建設之法理,建構一套健全且合理之退場機制,實為民間參與公共建設法制之重要課題。 因重大交通建設BOT案涉及國家、民間機構及人民之利益甚深,為排除為政者無謂的政治考量,鼓勵公務員能站在法理之角度勇於任事,辨明是否發動強制接管權限之時機及其方法。本文以國家擔保責任作為理論基礎,分析民間參與公共建設之強制接管法制,包括體系定位、概念區辨以及其解釋與適用上之法律問題作一完整性之探討,並藉以作為我國民間參與公共建設領域之擔保行政法建構,供將來政府機關面臨重大交通建設BOT案是否應發動及如何發動強制接管權力之難題,應如何在法制及法理上尋求立基點,期能有些許幫助。


The government declared the Statute for Encouragement of Private Participation in Transportation Facilities Projects in 1994 and the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects in 2000, establishing the legal sources of private participation in infrastructure, and therefore carring out Taiwan High Speed Rail (HSR) , Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit (KMRT), Electronic Toll Collection System (ETC) and other major transportation facilities. There are great econimic, political and legal influence on the practical development of legal system of Private participation in infrastructure. Because the role of the authority to protect the public interest and private institution to earn profits are essentially contradictory, how the authority interrupts the operation of the private institution properly when their disputes continue, even public service cease or in danger to cease is an important issue. While the authority face the problem that the major transportation facilities in bad operation may go bankrupt, affecting the people's right to use infrastructure, how to use the power to take it over by exercising the concept of state responsibilties of gaurantee under the existing legal system. Or how the regislators establish a complete and reasonable drop-out mechanism by following the rule of private participation in infrastructure is also an important topic. Because private participation in major transportation facilities project involves the interests of the State, private institution and people very well, to exclude unnecessary political considerations and encourage civil servants to stand on legal point of view, discerning the timing and methods of mandatory takeover. The thesis takes the state responsibility of guarantee as a theoretical basis, analyzing the mandatory takeover law system of private participation in infrastructure including systematic standing, distinguishment of concepts and its interpretation and application to establish guarantee administrative law of private participation in infrastructure, providing the government the access to decide whether and how to use the power of mandatory takeover in the future.


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