  • 學位論文


Appearance-aware seam generation for plush fabrication

指導教授 : 陳炳宇


絨毛布偶是很多人的童年回憶,布偶因為獨特的觸感和可愛的外觀 而深受小朋友們的喜愛。然而,布偶的設計並不容易,設計師必須在 布料上剪成特定的平面形狀才能將平面的布料縫成想要的立體形狀, 而這些平面形狀我們稱之為「版型」。傳統上版型的設計必須經過多次 的錯誤嘗試才能完成,整個過程既繁瑣又費時。目前雖然有自動的演 算法可以從立體形狀逆推出版型,但這些版型卻沒有考慮到最後成品 的外觀,使布偶表面充滿不規則、疤痕似的縫線,進而影響布偶的形 象。本研究取出影響布偶外觀的因素作為權重,使用最短路徑最佳化 縫線的路徑,再利用簡單的貪婪法消去不必要的縫線。最後的結果除 了確保產生的版型可以縫成想要的立體形狀外,還減少了縫線的不自 然感。文末將附上使用此方法縫製的實際成品。


布偶 縫線 實體化


Stuffed toys, aka plushes, are children’s memories in their childhood. These toys are adored by children because of their cute appearance and soft touches. In addition to the shape, the seams on the surface of plush also affect the appearance of plush. Poorly designed plush may result in unnatural seams, leaving scar-like feeling in the first impression. Previous works only focused on solving the developable problem while visual defects caused by boundary trenches remain unsolved. In this paper, we proposed a new segmentation method minimizing these defects by considering structural properties of the given shape. The resulting boundaries are less noticeable to human eyes while the overall segmentation remain quasi-developable so that it can be used for plush fabrication. We evaluate the proposed method on a variety of 3D models with physically fabricated results.


plush seam fabrication


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