  • 學位論文


Translation and Norm: The Representation of Henry David Thoreau in Chen Bocang’s Translation of Walden

指導教授 : 馬耀民




Walden is a collection of eighteen essays written by noted American transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau. Published in 1854, this book details Thoreau’s experience of living alone in a cabin near Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts, and reflects on transcendental themes such as self-reliance, the simplicity of life, and the need for people to experience the world on their own. Of the many Chinese translations of Walden in Taiwan, Chen Bocang’s version in 1998 has perhaps been the most interesting. On the one hand, his translation is one that consists of much deviation from the source text, thus presenting to readers a different, or even problematic, image of the transcendentalist, but, on the other hand, it has also been endorsed by more than a hundred well-known figures in Taiwan and may come across as a “verified” and “equivalent” version of Walden. Hence, this research seeks to discuss the problems that come with such a unique translation using a norm-based approach, including the representation of Thoreau in the translated text, the external and internal factors at play during the translation process, and how this translation has led unknowing researchers astray. Textual analysis suggests that Thoreau’s tone of voice in Chen’s translation has been shifted to sound more didactic, and that the transcendentalist seems more of a twenty-century Taiwanese than a nineteenth-century American, not only referencing issues that concerned Taiwan’s society at the time, but also echoing the post-martial law sentiments. It is also discovered that nearly forty academic theses and dissertations in Taiwan quoted Chen’s translation as a reference, and some of which were indeed misled by this particular translation, thus producing inherently problematic arguments that would later make their way into other relevant research.


Bennett, Jane. Thoreau's Nature: Ethics, Politics, and the Wild. Rowman Littlefield Publishers, 2002.
Bingham, Shawn Chandler. Thoreau and the Sociological Imagination: The Wilds of Society. Rowman Littlefield Publishers, 2007.
Cafaro, Philip. Thoreau's Living Ethics: Walden and the Pursuit of Virtue. University of Georgia Press, 2004.
Chan Hsiao-Chia 詹效嘉. “Foluosite zhuyao shizuo zhong zhi ‘chaoyuezhu yi’ yu ‘fanchaoyuezhuyi’ yiti ji qi zai yingyujiaoxue shang zhi yingyong” 佛洛斯特主要詩作中之「超越主義」與「反超越主義」議題及其在英語教學上之應用 [Transcendentalism and Anti-transcendentalism in Robert Frost's Major Poems and Its Application to English Teaching]. MA thesis. National Changhua University of Education, 2006, hdl.handle.net/11296/wqg49f. Accessed 20 July 2020.
Chang Wei-kuo 張維國. “Yi ke ziran tiyan jiaoyu de zhong zi – cong ziran xiezuo yu ziran jiaoxue de duihua Zhong mengya” 一顆自然體驗教育的種子─從「自然寫作」與「自然教學」的對話中萌芽 [A Seed of Natural Awareness-Budding from the Dialogue between “Nature writing” and “Nature teaching”]. MA thesis. National Hsinchu University of Education, 2002, hdl.handle.net/11296/e29w3z. Accessed 20 July 2020.
