  • 學位論文


An Exploration of the Integration and Development Model of E-commerce and Digital Content Industry on the Basis of New Mobile Technologies

指導教授 : 黃崇興


隨著科技發展的快速,許多產業都出現結構式的變化,智慧型行動裝置的出現改變了消費者的消費行為、社交習慣等生活模式,本應前景看好,但由於製造技術成熟速度之快、眾多競爭者加入等因素,使得智慧型行動裝置在短短時間內便面臨成長趨緩的瓶頸,毛利不斷下滑;傳統媒體產業原先憑藉著媒體的權威性,且可在短時間內觸及到眾多消費者的優勢,成為廣告主置放廣告的兵家必爭之地,但新媒體的出現,讓傳統媒體重要的廣告收入被大大侵蝕;電子商務為新興的消費模式,消費者如今不用出門就可購物,電子商務快速地成為消費者的新寵兒,然而,越來越多競爭者投入這塊市場後,電子商務廠商在價格、物流速度、商品品項上開始出現惡性競爭,同時形成營運成本負擔,獲利逐漸不如以往。 針對智慧型行動裝置、傳統媒體、電子商務此三種產業所面臨的困境,本論文希望能研擬出一個新的商業模型,透過新商業模型整合這三個產業的優勢,彌補各自的劣勢、缺點,形成互補效應,並藉由此模型去滿足市場上消費者、使用者的新需求,創造一個共贏的局面。 為達此目的,本論文首先檢視波特五力分析、核心競爭力鑽石模型、動態競爭、等文獻的內涵,其次,基於研究主題的本質,採用歸納式的研究方法,彙整相關的分析報告以及資料,接著,分析、歸納出三個產業所面臨到的壓力與問題,整理出各自的優勢與劣勢,思索彼此之間商業上的互補機制。 根據以上的分析結果,提出一個有效且具有執行力的新商業模式,在新商業模型中,除了運用新雲端技術,智慧型行動裝置、傳統媒體、電子商務產業也各自被賦予了新角色,其必須改變原有經營管理思維、積極合作,也須與不同的產品開發商密切配合。另外,本論文也針對此商業模式進行更深入的相關策略分析,並試著將分析結果套用到現行的環境中,以智慧行動裝置、媒體集團、電子商務廠商為例,探討可行性、商業價值、執行上的困難等。


With the rapid development of science and technology, many industries appear structural changes. Intelligent portable device has greatly influenced consumer’s lifestyle, such consumption behavior, social behavior, etc. It has promising future. However, due to mature manufacturing skills and numerous new competitors, intelligent portable device industry faces growth bottlenecks and decreasing gross margin in short time. Client marketers originally preferred to put advertisements on traditional media to take advantage of its authority and wide penetration. But they have shifted their marketing budgets to new digital media recently. New digital media gradually deprives traditional media of advertisement revenue. E-commerce is an emerging mode of consumption. Consumers can buy anything they want on the websites without going outside. Nevertheless, on account of many competitors, E-commerce retailers encounter vicious competition on price, delivery speed and items. To make matters worse, they have to burden heavy operation costs. Therefore, we construct a new business model, which not only integrates the advantages of the three industries to achieve complement effect but also fulfills consumer’s demand. To tackle such a complex issue, the present study undertakes an inductive approach to analyze related reports and generalize some conclusions . We apply various analysis tools to help formulate suggestions . Specifically, competitive dynamics framework and diamond model are adopted in this study. Based on these analysis results, we propose an effective and executable new business model. It not only makes use of new cloud technology but also defines new figures of the three industries. The three industries have to change their former management mindsets and cooperate with each other more positively than before. This study also presents more in-depth analysis of this new business model and applies it to a real case. Hope to construct a clear picture of feasibility, commercial value and implementation difficulties of this new model.


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