  • 學位論文


Impact of various binding resins and formulation on the characteristics of intumescent fire-retardant paints

指導教授 : 柯淳涵


賦予木材耐燃效應,目的在於考量安全問題。因此本研究之目的,在於探討膨脹型防火塗料在使用不同載體樹脂下其塗膜的各種性能和耐燃效應。 研究的方法採用不同載體樹脂及不同比例的兩種方式配置防火塗料,並利用表面耐燃試驗機、熱重分析儀和彈氧熱卡計進行了解塗膜之耐燃、熱解和標準燃燒熱。試驗結果發現: (一)在同一的塗佈量之下變化不同種類的載體樹脂。載體樹脂和碳源劑間的最佳關係為15/35。四種載體樹脂的比較以含有苯乙烯單體的其耐燃效果最差,水性壓克力樹脂次之,最佳的為乙烯醋酸乙烯樹脂(EVA)和醋酸乙烯壓克力共聚合樹脂(VAC)。 (二)乙烯醋酸乙烯樹脂和醋酸乙烯壓克力共聚合樹脂兩者皆含有醋酸乙烯(Vinyl acetate)的成分,此兩組的耐燃效果亦為最佳。 (三)試驗結果中發熱量(tdθ)和絕對發熱量(tdθ1)有隨異戊四醇(PER)的添加比例增加而減少的趨勢。因此光靠載體樹脂是無法形成足夠的炭化層來阻燃,而必須添加另外的碳源劑。 (四)以彈氧熱卡計進行標準燃燒熱之測量,發現減少或改變容易發出熱量的高分子物質做為防火材料可以有效的降低物質的燃燒熱,亦可使物質在著火後越不易燃燒。


The main purpose of wood treated with fire retardants is to improve safety in case of fire. The objective of this study is to discuss the effective fire-retardant property and coating performance of intumescent fire retardant paint in using different binding resin. The research methods are using different mixing ratios of different binding resins with acid precursor, carbon source and blowing agent to manufacture intumescent fire retardant paints. In order to know coating property of fire retardant, pyrolysis and heat of combustion, the intumescent fire retardant paint was evaluated by surface testing machine, thermalgravimetric analyzer and oxygen bomb calorimeter. The experimental results are summarized as follows: 1. In fire-retardant test, the best combination ratio of binding resin and carbon source is 15/35. The worst performance of four binding resins is the styrene monomer contained resin. The best two are EVA and VAC resin. 2. The best fire-retardant performance of four binding resins is the Vinyl acetate contained resin. 3. In terms of tdθ and tdθ1 values of CNS 6532, utilizing binding resin only is not enough to form the layer of char to be fire-retardant; therefore, the said resin must add extra carbon sources to form the said layer. 4. To reduce or change the heat of combustion in polymer materials will make protect material being uneasy to burn after firing.


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