  • 學位論文


Single fluorescence imaging to observe the dipole radiation appearance between two same dye

指導教授 : 蘇志明


2000年以後,德國Jörg Enderlein 發表一些文章關於單分子染料的失焦成像於CCD上的理論計算及利用染料cy5作的成像的實驗。觀察到染料分子的偶極在空間中三維取向不同,CCD上會有具有方向性圖形成像。於單分子單偶極成像技術中,兩個螢光染料分子的偶極的相對方向、及距離會影響於失焦時的影像的圖形(Pattern)及空間中相對強度的分布。Jörg Enderlein 在這方面已有相當完整的理論及實驗的驗證。本實驗中,更進一步利用文獻的結果;觀察廣場光學顯微鏡下的單分子雙偶極失焦時的圖形於CCD上的成像問題。不同於Jörg Enderlein的實驗,只針對單偶極的研究。本實驗更進一步觀察雙偶極的行為;並控制變因來觀察偶極作用的因素。   分子動力學的模擬(Molecular Dynamic simulation)方面,使用Gromacs Package 模擬染料分子於DNA在水溶液的平衡結構。並找出分子的局部的穩定結構,並使用MM-PBSA估算與其分子其他結構的自由能的差距。在sample選擇上使用線性的DNA分子並於5端的磷酸根上染料分子TMR。利用DNA的螺旋結構,作為距離、角度的控制。本來的目標,是希望利用分子動力學的模擬中染料分子於DNA在水溶液的距離、角度的分布。並由此推測空間上的染料相對位置,對應於顯微鏡下的失焦時影像的圖形。但因為實驗上的方便起見,並不是在水溶液中做實驗;故這部份的結果僅供參考。


From 2000,Jörg Enderlein had some articles about experiment and theory in single molecular Cy5 defocus image in a sensitive CCD camera. Single fluorescence imaging method for direct determination of single-molecule orientations is presented that uses a wide-field epifluorescence microscope and a sensitive CCD camera. Jörg Enderlein had good results in theory and experiment. In this thesis,we use his result to observe the dipole radiation appearance between two same dye. In single molecule mage method , two dye’s dipole have different orientation to show different defocus pattern in CCD camera and pattern’s relative distribution. In Molecular Dynamic simulation,we use “Gromacs Package” to simulate the equilibrium structure of DNA which is labeled TMR in solution in water solution. We want to find the local minimus energy ,and MM_PBSA model’s free energy. Double strand linear DNA is the sample to do defocus image . We want to use DNA to control the distance and angle between two dye.But the condition in experiment is not solution. So, result of MD part is reference.


single molecular wide field defocus phase


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