  • 學位論文


A Semiotics Analysis to the "Jiang-Wen-Ming-Shu-Xin-Feng" Political Advertising Campaign

指導教授 : 林麗雲


本研究以符號學的理論和方法,結合了既有的中國共產黨宣傳工作理論研究以及Benedict Anderson的民族主義理論,對中國共產黨宣傳部門推出的「講文明樹新風」系列政治宣傳廣告進行了分析。分析發現,該系列廣告在文字符號、圖像符號和藝術體裁符號三個領域,都表現出了宣傳者對中華傳統文化符號的明顯偏好。該系列廣告對國家與民族認同的強調明顯超越了對黨派認同的強調,這反映了中國共產黨宣傳策略從革命黨到執政黨方向的轉型。在Anderson的民族主義理論框架之下,本研究發現,中國共產黨在這組廣告中採用了典型的「官方民族主義」策略,而這種策略背後的目的,則是通過在宣傳中「推銷專政」而維持其權力與統治,而這也與中國當下愛國主義與民族主義盛行的社會環境有著密切的聯繫。與此同時,本研究也發現,這組廣告中經常出現的傳統文化、少年兒童等符號,都與中國社會現存的迷思有重要關聯,通過對這些迷思與符號的分析,研究者發現,中國共產黨這樣的宰製性權力既能利用既有的社會迷思進行宣傳,也能通過宣傳產制新的社會迷思,兩者之間存在一種雙向的互動關係。最後,本研究發現,在宣傳與符號學實際應用的領域之中,意識形態所扮演的角色,並不一定是隱身於所有表像背後的支配性力量,作為論述體系在社會場域中「爭霸」的意識形態,實際上只是維護現有權力結構的意識形態的利用對象,哪怕是共產主義和民族主義這樣彼此矛盾的论述体系,也可以同時被中國共產黨維護現有宰製性權力的意識形態利用,以實現其維護自身統治的目的。


符號學 宣傳 民族主義 廣告 迷思


By combining semiotics methods with existing research on Communist Party of China's propaganda and Benedict Anderson's nationalism theory, this research analyzes a political advertising campaign of CPC named Jiang-Wen-Ming-Shu-Xin-Feng, which is strongly promoted by the propaganda department. Analysis found that the advertising campaign shows the propagators' strong preference to symbols about Chinese traditional culture in the areas of text symbol, image symbol and artistic genre symbol. In the advertising campaign, the emphasis on national identity obviously exceeds the emphasis on loyalty to the party, which reflects the changing of CPC's propaganda strategy as a ruling party instead of a revolutionary party. In the frame of Anderson's nationalism theory, this research shows that CPC uses a typical "official nationalism" strategy in the advertising campaign. The propagators' purpose behind this strategy is "marketing dictatorship", which would help CPC reinforce its authority and reign, and this phenomenon is closely related to the current social environment in China that filled with strong nationalism and patriotism atmosphere. In addition, this research found that there is significant connection between the symbols frequently appeared in the advertising campaign and the social myths nowadays in China. Through analysis, researcher found that, while the dominative authority like CPC uses the existing social myths, it also produces some new social myths in propaganda. There is the two-way interaction between dominate authority and social myths. Finally, this research found that, in the area of semiology and propaganda theories' political application, ideology doesn't always play the dominating role. The ideologies as discursive formations in the "hegemony" are only tools used by the ideologies of existing power structure. Even contradictory discursive formations, like nationalism and communism, could be used by the dominate power's ideology of CPC's at the same time if they were helpful for CPC to reinforce its domination.


semiology propaganda nationalism advertisement mythology


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