  • 學位論文

台灣傳統農村再生策略 以台南後壁菁寮聚落為例

Regeneration Strategy of Taiwanese Traditional Agricultural Community A Case Study of Ching-Liao Village in Tainan City

指導教授 : 吳榮杰


摘要 本研究旨在探討台灣傳統農村的再生策略,從農村人口的老化、外移、農村文化的散失、農村風貌的改變及農村產業的危機等四個面向,來探討傳統農村的再生策略。透過台南縣菁寮聚落在公私部門投入營造的經驗,發現傳統農村再生的契機及不足,進而提出台灣傳統農村共同面臨的問題的解決策略,希冀從菁寮的活化歷程,為台灣農村的發展走出一條與世界接軌的大道。 本研究的研究方法,將採文獻分析、深度訪談方式來進行,由蒐集相關文獻進行分析比較,並透過公部門在菁寮聚落進行營造之計畫書、成果報告或相關公文書、會議記錄,進行細部的分析,以了解這幾年社區發展的演變,相關的計畫產生的影響。同時,蒐集國外相關文獻,以了解其他國家在農村活化再造的成功案例,是否有值得台灣參考借鏡的地方,納入本研究的範圍。更進一步進行聚落意見領袖,就菁寮聚落目前的發展問題、政府各計畫的進行、民間組織的發展等議題,作深入的訪談。 本研究歸納出如下建議: 一、給推動傳統農村聚落再生工作者的建議 (一)涵蓋老中青三代的推動組織 (二)農村的歷史人文的調查為首要 (三)提升生活品質為先,再創造產業發展 (四)以團隊方式參與提案計畫撰寫研習 (五)成立農村學堂,凝聚共識 (六)規劃全民可參與的活動 二、給公部門推動農村再生工作之建議 (一)成立整合推動之單一窗口 (二)計畫的推動應拉長執行時程 (三)專業團隊協助蹲點逐夢 (四)舉辦農村大賽 (五)農村再生條例的執行軟體重於硬體 (六)加強農村long stay之行銷規劃 (七)創造農村產業的特色與行銷通路


Abstract: The study mainly discuss about the regeneration strategy of Taiwan traditional agricultural communities from four dimensions: population ageing and moving out, rural cultural fading away, agricultural landscape changing, as well industry risk. The opportunities and weakness of traditional agricultural regeneration had been found throughout the commitments experiences both from private and public sectors in Tainan Ching-Liao Village. Subsequently, this study proposed the strategic solutions for the problems that all traditional agricultural communities faced. In addition, the path development connecting to the world could be established based on the process of Ching-Liao Village rebuilding. This study is applying for the qualitative research methods of literature analysis and interviewing the residents of Ching-Liao Village. We take in the evolution of community recent years and the effects by relative plans through reviewing Ching-Liao Village proposal, meeting records, and reports in detail. At the same time, the foreign literatures have been collected. We try to realize the successful rural rebuilding cases in other countries. And, those cases might be a good reference for Taiwan. Moreover, we do conversation with the opinion leaders in communities according to the issues such as development problem of Ching-Liao Village, every project executed by the governments, the development of non-profit organization. This study made the following propositions: 1、Propose the suggestions to the rural rebuilding workers (1)Involve all old, middle, and young generations (2)The first task is investigation of rural history (3)Improve the living quality first, then create industry development (4)Team work to join seminar and propose a project. (5)Build a learning center for commitment (6)Make a plan for all residents participating 2、Propose the suggestions to the rural rebuilding public sectors (1)Reorganize an unique window (2)Extend the time period of procedure (3)Professional team’s assistance (4)Carry out the rural community competition (5)Execute Agricultural Regeneration Act in software rather than hardware. (6)Improve the marketing plan of long stay (7)Create the features and marketing channel of agricultural industry


於「南瀛歷史、社會與文化」,林玉茹、Fiorella Allio(艾茉莉)主編,台南縣:台南縣政府。


