  • 學位論文


The Study of Preliminary Injunction in the Cases of Corporate Law

指導教授 : 曾宛如


我國民事訴訟法於二ΟΟ三年進行修法,其中關於定暫時狀態假處分制度也有重大修正,就其程序以及要件有了更加明確之規定。其中法制明文肯認裁定得命債務人先為一部或全部之給付,解決過去實務上對於提前滿足聲請人權利之定暫時狀態假處分適法性之疑慮,另立法者體認定暫時狀態假處分裁定對於當事人間法律關係之影響力,制定程序保障之規定,令當事人於法院審理時有陳述意見之權利,此修法甚值肯認。 本文係從涉及公司法紛爭之定暫時狀態假處分出發,探討定暫時狀態假處分實務運作之情況。理論面觀之,裁定結果得令聲請人提前獲得權利之滿足產生之「本案化」現象,將造成定暫時狀態假處分喪失原本保全程序之暫定性、附隨性、迅速性等特質。實務面觀之,二ΟΟ三年修法以來涉及公司法爭議之定暫時狀態假處分裁定,常發生聲請人釋明程度判斷不易、擔保金核定標準不一、供擔保補充釋明不足之風險、未實質審理爭點、程序保障不足等問題。近年來多起利用定暫時狀態假處分來爭奪公司經營權之案件,如二ΟΟ三年的臺灣大哥大案、二ΟΟ九年金鼎證開發金案,讓聲請人以少量擔保金即獲得公司經營權,又如二Ο一Ο年的太平洋百貨案所引發之爭議,皆說明定暫時狀態假處分制度與其審理程序均有檢討空間。 美國法上之暫時禁制令制度與我國之定暫時狀態假處分制度相類似,比較法上,本文即以暫時禁制令制度為研究對象,整理聯邦巡迴上訴法院之見解,分析其審理上著重之要件,包括原告舉證責任的加重、要件的推定等。再介紹德拉瓦州衡平法院審理之七個案件,瞭解法院審理之態度與採納之標準,希冀透過分析比較美國法院核發暫時禁制令之標準,作為我國定暫時狀態假處分之修正方向。 最後回歸我國法制,提出定暫時狀態假處分應有之法制管控。觀察定暫時狀態假處分於實務運作上之疑慮,並比較美國暫時禁制令核發要件後,提出定暫時狀態假處分法制應有之修正,包括定暫時狀態假處分審理上應有之修正、當事人之程序保障、商業法庭之增置、加速法院審理之建議,以及具體之民事訴訟法修正建議。而涉及公司法爭議之定暫時狀態假處分聲請,本文呼籲法院審理上應有別於其他私法案件,正視裁定之影響力,謹慎審理,方得確保定暫時狀態假處分法制不被有心人士濫用,落實立法目的。


With the revision of Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure in 2003, there are more and more discussions centering on the rules of injunction, one of the important revisions. Injunction can be used as a method for creditors to satisfy their claims in advance. Due to the huge effect of the injunction, the court shall accord the parties an opportunity to be heard before issuing the injunction except when the court considers it inappropriate to do so. These characteristics make the rule of injunction different from provisional attachment and provisional injunction. In these years, more and more creditors use the injunction as a weapon to fight for the control over the corporations. From those cases, we learn that the injunction would provide an immense influence not only on the debtors but on the shareholders, the corporations and the creditors of the corporations. Therefore, when the court faces the motions related with the corporate law, the court should pay more attention to the judgment. Regarding the immense effect of the injunction, this thesis highlights the need for reforms. By analyzing the cases and comparative studies, this paper tries to provide some advices about the revisions of injunction in Taiwan. This thesis starts with the rules of injunction in Taiwan, including the procedure, the standards, the effect and the appeal process. In addition, it introduces the rules of interlocutory injunction in America, containing issuing procedures, issuing standards and the appeal procedure. The chapter 3 assays lots of cases in Taiwan, and points out defects in the judicial procedures and the deficiencies in the rules of injunction in Taiwan. Besides, it introduces three significant cases, and these cases manifest that the improvement in the rules of injunction and the judicial procedure is indispensable. After the analysis in rules and cases of injunction in Taiwan, this paper moves on to the comparative studies. The chapter 4 centers on the cases of preliminary injunction in Federal Circuit Courts of Appeal in America and the Court of Chancery of Delaware, and focuses on the advantages of the judgment procedures. There are visible judicial standards of preliminary injunction, and plaintiffs will have a higher burden of proof when they apply for some types of preliminary injunction. After examining the debates substantially, the court will issue a proper injunction promptly according to the situation of cases. The authority of the courts and the rapid procedures make injunction rules an effective relief for people in America. Finally, the chapter 5 provides certain recommendations on the rules of injunction in Taiwan on the basis of the previous studies in the thesis. This paper suggests that it is necessary to establish clearer judicial standards and more appropriate procedures of injunction, and the Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure should be revised to add a provision that the court may upon motion or on its own initiative revoke an injunction maintaining the temporary status quo where an action is not initiated within 30 days after the order is served to the applicant. Furthermore, it stresses that before the establishment of commercial courts, the court should pay more attention to the motions about the corporate laws due to the huge effect of injunctions on the corporations and their shareholders.


4. 臺灣最高法院72年度臺抗字第556號民事裁定
12. 臺灣最高法院88年臺抗字第385號民事裁定
17. 臺灣最高法院92年度臺抗字第257號民事裁定
45. 臺灣最高法院100年度臺抗字第102號民事裁定


