  • 學位論文


Research on Applicability for Parameter in Seismic Design of Buried Pipeline and Pushover Analysis for Soil Liquefaction

指導教授 : 鍾立來
共同指導教授 : 劉進賢


在參考國外地下自來水管線耐震設計手冊時,未經驗證下不能直接斷定其適用於台灣,所以我們也不能說台灣可以直接用這一套方法,因此,在參考的過程中,必須要有一些本土化的動作以及適用性的研究,本文則將針對部分地下管線耐震設計方法作一個本土化的探討,其中對於設計最大地表速度(Peak Ground Velocity, PGV)的計算方法為本文討論的重點。經由分析臺灣大大小小三百六十四筆地震紀錄,探討各種可能變因後,試圖訂定出一個適合臺灣的設計最大地表速度計算式。本文將先假設一個適合臺灣的設計最大地表速度計算式,並討論其在各分析結果裡之合適性,其中分別包含對地盤分類的分析、距震央遠近的分析等等。最後提出一個建議公式。 第二部分為進行管線非線性側推分析,利用前人建立的自來水管線塑鉸參數以及土彈簧參數,對管徑400mm之延性鑄鐵管K型接頭分析其受土壤液化影響之結果。由分析結果可以發現,管線的結構強度和接頭的分布息息相關,且液化範圍超過16公尺時管線將因無法承擔自重而達到破壞並漏水。而雖然結構的強度和接頭的分布有很大的關係,但沒有一種分布情形是一直處於強度較高者,而接頭分布的影響隨著液化範圍的增長有變小的趨勢,兩條線會越來越靠近。接頭分布的影響和液化段之管體數有關,其明顯影響管體在不同接頭分布上的強度。


When we refer to the foreign seismic design manual of underground water pipeline, we can not completely trust him. We can not say that Taiwan can use this set of methods. Therefore, we must have some action of localization and the applicability. This thesis will discuss an equation, which is calculated for the peak ground velocity (PGV) in the seismic design of underground pipeline. Due to the attempt to set a custom PGV formula suitable, we analyze 182 time history ground motion records. By the average of all the data, we assume an equation. Next, we classified this equation by the analysis of the site classification, distance to the Epicenter and so on. Finally, we will suggest an equation which satisfied Tiawan’s environment. The second part is carrying out nonlinear pushover analysis for pipeline to investigate the influence of soil liquefaction, which using 400mm diameter ductile iron pipe with K-type-joint for model. By the results of the analysis, we can be found that the joint distribution is strongly impact on the strength of pipeline. When the range over 16 meters of liquefied, the pipeline fails because it is inability to bear self-weight. Although the strength of pipeline is strongly correlated with the joint distribution, but there do not have a distribution type that is always of higher strength. The influence of joint distribution is correlated with the number of body segments in liquefaction, but it will be less when the range of liquefaction increase.


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