  • 學位論文

墨點櫻桃(Prunus phaeosticta (Hance) Maxim.)枝梢生長及氰醣苷含量之變動

Shoot Growth and Cyanogenic Glycosides Contents of Prunus phaeosticta (Hance) Maxim.

指導教授 : 陳右人


墨點櫻桃(Prunus phaeosticta (Hance) Maxim.)為臺灣原生樹種,廣泛分布全臺海拔700至2000公尺的林地。其最大特色為葉片搓揉後會造成氰醣苷受到水解酶催化產生苯甲醛及氫氰酸,產生杏仁味。墨點櫻桃葉片所含的氰醣苷種類包括野黑櫻醣苷(prunasin)及苦杏仁苷(amygdalin)。目前食品加工業中主要的杏仁味來源為杏樹的種仁,如能開發墨點櫻桃葉作為杏仁味的來源,就能較方便取得具有濃郁杏仁味的材料。本試驗主要分為四個部分,第一部分為墨點櫻桃植株生育調查,以了解植株基本生育特性。調查結果顯示在地區方面,在臺大校園內,一年會抽出三次枝梢,陽明山竹子湖地區,一年會抽出二次枝梢;墨點櫻桃枝條、葉片長寬、葉綠素計讀值及單位葉片之乾物重累積,在枝梢萌出後,均有一快速生長時期,其後會達至恆定狀態。第二部分為墨點櫻桃葉片年齡與氰醣苷含量關係,以了解最適合採集葉片的時機及含量變化與植物生育之關係。以苦味酸鈉法分析葉片總氫氰酸含量回推氰醣苷含量。結果顯示,在葉片快速生長時期,葉片內總氰醣苷含量有上升的趨勢,於葉片完全展開後,總氰醣苷含量約有21天停滯期,而後含量累積與葉片乾物累積具有相同的趨勢,兩者關係是一典型雙s型曲線;由此推估適宜採集葉片的時機為葉片完全展開前,葉背墨點尚未大量形成的階段及葉齡超過一年的葉片。第三部分為高杏仁味植株篩選,以篩選葉片揮發性杏仁味較濃的植株。第四部分為墨點櫻桃果實性狀調查,目的為建立未來應用之基礎。墨點櫻桃果實於每年10月至隔年1月成熟,成熟果實中果肉重占59.8%,種子重占40.2%,果實高約0.7至0.8公分,寬約0.8至0.9公分,果實總重約0.45g,果實體積約0.36 cm3,果肉味道像櫻桃。


Prunus phaeosticta (Hance) Maxim. is a native to the altitude of 700 to 2000 meters height in Taiwan. Leaves generate apricot scent. We can infer that the apricot scents are the benzyaldehyde and hydrogencyanid originated from cyanogenic glycosides catalyzed by the enzyme reaction. The cyanogenic glycosides in Prunus phaeosticta are amygdalin and prunasin. The source of apricot scent in food-processing industry is obtained mainly from apricot seeds. If we can develop a method to get the apricot scent from the leaves of Prunus phaeosticta, it will be more convenient to get the source with strong apricot scent. There are four parts in this study. In the first part, we investigated the growth and development of Prunus phaeosticta plants. The plants we investigated in NTU grew flushes three times and in Jhuzihhu grew flushes two times. The numbers of branch length, leaf length, leaf width, leaf SPAD value, and dry weight increased shaply and then they leveled off. In the second part, we analysed the cyanogenic glycoside contents of leaves in different ages to infer the suitable picking moment. The result showed that the cyanogenic glycoside contents of a leaf increase sharply as leaf grew. After the blade fully extended, the cyanogenic glycoside contents of a leaf remain steady for at least 21 days. After 21 days, the cyanogenic glycoside contents of a leaf increased sharply as leaf dry weight increased. According to the result, there are two suitable picking monments. One is when leaves expanded fully or around that time; the other is when leaves ages are over 1 year. In the third part, we selected the plants whose leaves generate strong apricot scent. In the fourth part, we investigated the fruit characteristics of Prunus phaeosticta in order to establish the basis for future applications.


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