  • 學位論文


Constructing issue network diagrams of animal protection in Taiwan: The case of the stray animal policy.

指導教授 : 林子倫


近年來,動物保護逐漸受到人們的重視,促使台灣政府亦逐漸重視動物保護的各項議題。另一方面,在政治學界,議題網絡-「強調各方利害關係人會建立以議題為中心的複雜開放網絡關係」的概念也正在興起。但回顧過往議題網絡的文獻,卻鮮少有結合動物保護與議題網絡的例子。相關議題的研究上,也鮮少討論行動者之間的整體互動。是以本研究針對動物保護領域中的各項政策議題,結合量化問卷、UCINET軟體及質化訪談的方式,描繪出動保領域當中,「行動者」與「行動者」之間網絡連結關係的圖像,並從圖像與論述中去理解「行動者」對「議題」的正反態度,釐清不同「行動者」之間的連結關係強弱,甚至深入透過論述與主張理解「行動者」的角色定位、資源運用、互動關係及關懷面向,提供讀者對動物保護議題與行動者關係的全盤體認,將更有助於未來的政策發展。 本研究的主要研究成果分述如下:其一,有四項政策議題的都獲得受訪者大致上的共識,但亦有四項政策議題的內容使受訪者產生許多態度上的分歧,其二,從不同的政策議題網絡圖像來看,網絡關係會隨著政策議題的不同而有所改變;其三,網絡中的行動者組成並不穩定,而擁有較多資源及影響力的多為行政機關和特定動保團體,其程度中心性、中介性指標數值皆高,其四,不同類別的行動者,在不同的政策議題中皆扮演不同的角色、掌握不同的資源及關懷不同的議題;最後,在整個動保領域中的主要討論議題,可以發現仍是以源頭管理的政策議題獲得最大多數人的關注,顯示動保領域的「源頭管理」是目前多方行動者之間的最大共識,政府應多善加利用此一基礎,積極的建立溝通協調平台,發展出更多的共識;此外,本研究也期許動物保護與議題網絡圖像的結合能夠提供學界更多新的研究方向與發展空間。


In recent years, the concept of " animal protection" has attracted people in Taiwan, and thus compel the government to pay more attention to the animal protection related issues. Meanwhile, the concept of "issue network," which emphasizes stakeholders tending to build up a complex and opened issue-centered network relationships, is emerging in political science literature. However, there were few examples that combine the concept of animal protection and issue network in previous studies. Moreover, the existing literature lacks the discussion of the whole picture of the actors and their interaction linkages. Therefore, this study adopts both questionnaire survey and in-depth interview, and uses the UCINET software to depict the network diagrams of different actors in various animal protection policy issues. Second, the study explains the actors' attitudes toward different issues and the strong/weak ties among those actors via image and discourse analysis. By examining, their discourses and claims, this research further understands the roles, resources, relationships, and core values of the actors.    The main research findings are as follows. First, the respondents/interviewees share a common view on four policy issues, but have different opinions on another four issues. Second, from the perspective of policy issues network, network diagrams change with different policy issues. Third, the composition of the actors in an issue network is not stable. Executive authorities and some specific animal protection groups have more resources and impacts. The degree of centrality and the indicator of betweenness are high. Fourth, the actors from different categories not only play different roles in different policy issues, but also grasp different resources and concern about different issues. At last, throughout the main discussion of animal protection, it can be found that most people concern about the policy issue of source management. This indicates that "source management" reaches the highest consensus among the actors in the field of animal protection. Regarding this, the government should make good use of this advantage to set up a platform for communication and coordination to build more consensuses among the actors. In addition, this study expects the combination of animal protection and the issue network approach can help improve the existing studies.




