  • 學位論文


Families Living with Mental Illness: Factors Associated with Family Resilience.

指導教授 : 沈瓊桃


精神疾病已成為近代人類所面臨的嚴重威脅之一。然而,過往研究多將焦點置於病理模式,探討精神障礙者對家庭所產生的負向影響,而將家庭視為失功能的狀態中。本研究期待以家庭韌性觀點,去看到家庭在所具有的能力與潛力,使得家庭在家有精神障礙者的狀況中,有所平衡與適應,甚至使家庭更為茁壯。有關家庭韌性的相關研究在國外已有一定程度的發展,但在台灣仍處於起步階段,且以質性探討為主,在精神障礙領域中更是少數。據此,本研究以量化方式,檢視當家有精神障礙者時,家庭韌性中的逆境因素、保護因子、風險因子將如何影響家庭適應。故本研究目的有五:(一)了解因精神疾病所產的逆境因素如何影響家庭適應;(二)了解精神障礙者的家庭韌性中有效的保護因子為何;(三)了解精神障礙者的家庭韌性中風險因子是否使家庭適應產生負向影響;(四)檢視精神障礙者家庭韌性中風險因子、保護因子與家庭適應的運作模式;(五)根據研究發現,運用家庭韌性觀點提出精神社會工作實務運作的建議。   本研究採量化研究典範,以結構式問卷調查進行資料收集,研究對象為精神障礙者之主要照顧者,以立意抽樣向全台27個康復之友協會進行邀請,並輔以網路媒介、友人介紹相關機構增加樣本數本數量。本次研究調查最終獲得有效問卷共171份。   研究結果可分為兩部分。首先,經由雙變項分析,顯示逆境因素中的發病時間、精神疾病診斷、因精神疾病住院次數、障礙程度在家庭適應上未有顯著差異;照顧負荷與家庭適應呈現負向關係;各保護因子則皆與家庭適應為正相關。另外,在多元迴歸模型中,結果顯示照顧負荷愈低、家庭溝通與問題解決愈佳時,對家庭適應愈有正向影響。且進一步比較兩者在模型中的解釋力時,家庭溝通與問題解決高於照顧負荷許多,成為預測力最佳的因素。代表當精神障礙者的家庭照顧者在面對各種照顧負荷時,雖可能會對於家庭適應有負面的影響,但此時家庭中若具有良好的溝通與問題解決能力,更可能使家庭適應有正向的表現。   根據上述發現,研究者建議在實務上,培養社會工作者與相關從業人員以優勢觀點進行切入的能力,找出不同家庭中所具有的正向家庭溝通與問題解決模式,並增加與家中各成員一同工作的經驗,落實以家庭為中心的社工服務。此外,提供與家庭溝通的相關訓練課程,且持續關注照顧者在照顧負荷上的狀態,協助討論因應方式,給予有關成長團體、支持團體與紓壓活動等,促使照顧者照顧負荷能有所減低,增強家庭適應的狀況。


For decades, mental illness has been viewed as a serious threat by people. However, past literature focused on the deficit model that discussed the negative experience when a family member suffered mental illness, and considered the family dysfunctional as a result. Through family resilience, this study intended to discover how balance and adaption can become even stronger in these families. Family resilience research has developed abroad for many years. Taiwan, in comparison, is still at the beginning stage, and qualitative research is the principal method. Therefore, this study aimed to examine adversity, as well as protective and risk factors of family resilience for the primary caregiver in families with severe mental illness. This study purposively sampled 171 participants from 27 mental rehabilitation associations all over Taiwan, social media, and non-profit organizations introduced by friends. This study is based on family resilience. Family adaption was defined as the dependent variable. Regarding the independent variables, the effects of 5 factors: caregiver burden, family communication/problem solving, social and economic resources, positive outlook and family spirituality were tested. Factors of adversity were defined by the duration of the mental illness, the frequency of hospitalization for the mental illness, diagnosis of the mental illness, and degree of disability. Lastly, caregivers’ age was controlled in the regression model. In the correlated analysis, the data indicated no significant difference on factors of adversity toward family adaption. However, risk and protective factors showed significant correlation on family adaption. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that caregiver burden and family communication/problem solving were the strongest predictors of family adaption; all the variables totally explain 44.5% variance of family adaption. Importantly, family communication/problem of protective factor has proven to be a more significant prediction than caregiver burden as a risk factor. The implications for families with mental illness, with the aim of promoting family adaption through family resilience, are discussed in this paper.


