  • 學位論文


Research on the Improvement of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Housing Provident Fund Management Model

指導教授 : 柯承恩


隨著市場經濟的發展,我國住房制度開始由福利體制向市場化體制轉變,住房公積金制度便誕生於這一背景條件下。如今,住房公積金制度已經走過了26年的發展歷程,經歷了創立、發展、完善等幾個不同的發展階段,在解決職工住房問題、改善提高城鎮居民居住水準、促進住房市場快速發展等方面發揮了巨大作用,已成為我國住房保障體系的重要組成部分。同樣,在新疆生產建設兵團住房公積金制度建立二十年間,住房公積金制度在提升兵團職工購房能力、改善兵團職工居住條件、推進兵團城鎮化進程等方面也發揮了重要作用。然而,隨著經濟、社會環境的變化,住房公積金制度在服務功能、管理體制等方面逐漸暴露出一些突出問題。新疆生產建設兵團住房公積金的管理機制與運行模式也不例外。如果這些問題不能得到解決,就會影響廣大住房公積金繳存職工的利益,妨礙住房公積金事業健康、穩定和可持續發展。因此,我們需要客觀評價住房公積金制度,並對該制度在管理體制方面存在的問題以及成因做出全面分析,探索解決問題的思路和方法,不斷推進和完善住房公積金的管理制度。 本研究以個案研究為基礎,結合採用文獻法和比較法,在簡要介紹了我國住房公積金制度的現狀和基本特徵的基礎上,重點闡述了新疆生產建設兵團住房公積金管理的現狀,並從住房公積金管理模式、歸集、貸款和使用等方面深入分析了新疆生產建設兵團住房公積金管理中存在的問題。接著,通過對上海和大連兩座城市住房公積金管理的案例進行比較和分析,以上海住房公積金的管理模式作為對照標杆,提出了新疆生產建設兵團住房公積金管理中心中長期改革的思路和方向。最後,結合新疆生產建設兵團住房公積金管理的現狀和“十三五”時期的發展規劃,提出了改進新疆生產建設兵團住房公積金現有管理模式,並分別從歸集、貸款以及使用等不同角度提出了切實有效的改進建議。


住房公積金 管理模式 改革 改進


China’s Housing Provident Fund System (hereinafter called HPF) originated from the time when China’s housing institutional reform shifted from the welfare housing distribution system to the market-oriented housing system. It evolved a history of over 26 years, starting from the establishment of system, improvement of policy, promulgation of regulations and rules to adjustment of system. The HPF has played a profound role in solving the housing problem of staff and workers, improving the living conditions of urban residents and promoting the healthy development of housing market and has become an important part of China’s housing security system. Similarly, with the period of 20 years since the establishment of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Housing Provident Fund Management System (hereinafter called XPCCHPF), HPF has also fulfilled its function in enhancing the housing purchase power of employees, bettering the housing conditions of employees and boosting the process of urbanization of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. However, with the changing of economic and social situations, the HPF has brought about some prominent problems in terms of management mechanism and operation mode. XPCCHPF is no exception. If not addressed, the problems will affect the benefits of HPF savers and impede the healthy, steady and sustainable development of HPF. Therefore, HPF has to be reviewed historically and its problems have to be studied and analyzed logically and reform approaches and proposals are expected to put forward. This paper takes as a case study XPCCHPF by using literature research and comparison method to overview China’s Housing Provident Fund System and its characteristics, elaborate XPCCHPF and its problems in terms of management model, HPF collection, loan origination and utilization. Then, the paper tried to compare and analyze the successful practice of Shanghai HPF and Dalian HPF and with Shanghai HPF as a benchmark suggest the medium- and long-term reform direction and approaches. Finally, taking into consideration the actual conditions of XPCCHPF and its Thirteenth Five-year Plan for development, the paper discussed the improvement initiatives and implementation proposals including adjustment of management model and improving HPF collection, loan origination and utilization in the near future.


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