  • 學位論文

小心: 不同人種的眼神暗示對於協同合作的影響

Watch out:The effects of race-related cues on cooperative behavior

指導教授 : 蘇珍頤


這個研究調查了人種與眼神暗示在協同合作行為上的關係,包含了田野調查與實驗,實驗對象是台灣的大學生,調查個人的合作程度是否會因為看了不同人種的眼神暗示而有所不同,實驗的資料(Study 2)顯示,黑人的眼神比亞洲人(一樣的種族)的眼神更容易引出協同行為,而黑人和白人相比與亞洲人和白人相比都沒有明顯差異,這兩個實驗與西方文化背景下的實驗發現呈現了相反的結果,對台灣人來說,眼神的照片並不會比花的照片引出更多協同合作。這是第一個研究調查協同合作、人種與眼神暗示之間的關係,我們將會討論更多未來可以進行的研究方向。


協同合作 眼神暗示 眼神 人種 作弊行為


This research examines the relationship between race and subtle eye cues on cooperative behavior. A field study and a laboratory experiment conducted with Taiwanese college students were used to investigate whether individuals’ level of cooperation would differ according to the type of race of the visual cues present. Data from the experiment (Study 2) showed that cues of Black eyes elicited more cooperative behavior than cues of Asian (same-race) eyes. There was no difference between Black and White eyes or between Asian and White eyes in the level of cooperation elicited. Both studies showed that contrary to findings from research conducted in Western cultural contexts, pictures of eyes did not elicit more cooperative behavior among Taiwanese compared to pictures of flowers. The present study was new in that it was the first study to investigate the link among cooperation, race, and eye cues. Implications and recommendations for future research directions will be discussed.


cooperative behavior subtle cues eyes race cheating


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