  • 學位論文


Matsu and Smugglers: The Nantien Temple and Reconstruction of Postwar Su’ao Society

指導教授 : 羅士傑


本研究關注南天宮與戰後蘇澳地方社會的重構過程,並探究宗教所動員的漁民對兩岸互動帶來的影響。本研究以地方宮廟作為研究切入點,試圖從民間的角度,從下至上地重新檢視戰後臺灣地方社會的發展歷程與冷戰體制的互動關係。 當地漁民自蘇澳開發始便沒有停止與外界的貿易與交流。本研究發現,在戰後的發展中,他們為了適應時局變化,不停地試圖在貿易經濟、漁業經濟、宗教經濟中周旋以取得最大利益。本文透過田野調查,結合民間與官方說法進行討論,集中探究蘇澳漁民1987年接受大陸製神像和1989年發動的直航進香活動。作者企圖展示蘇澳地方社會與現代國家的互動過程與利益競逐。而其中,宗教作為一種被國家與地方社會認可的協調方式被提上檯面。作為行動的結果,南天宮因此崛起成為東臺灣首屈一指的媽祖廟,同時漁民的貿易交流經驗也隨著戰後臺灣政治的發展被逐漸認識。


This thesis focuses on the history of societal development in post-war Su’ao, and tries to understand the post-war period in the overall development of Su’ao local society. Using religion as the starting point for analysis, this research figures out how the collective action of Su’ao’s fishermen and boat-dwelling residents used religion to package their requirement. At the same time, this research tries to understand the temple (Nantien Temple) as a gathering point for locals, and to observe how the temple functions as a center for both competition and cooperation between local society and the regional government. This research attempts to comprehend Taiwan’s post-war political history and patterns of Cold War era political affairs by understanding the experience of people living on the frontier. This thesis project discovered that over the course of Su’ao’s development, local fishermen and boat-dwelling residents never stopped the pace of searching for commercial opportunities in other people such as fishermen from Japan and Mainland China . Even in the turmoil of the Cold War, fishermen and boat-dwellers living in the Taiwan Strait never stopped their mutual communication through the black market. This research considers the experience of communication through nongovernmental channels as the fountainhead of the Post-Cold War Cross-Strait relationship. In addition, leaders of collective anti-government action used religion as a negotiation tool to catch the public’s attention. The present research tries to understand how history has been made by comparing official materials and unofficial records such as memoirs and local documents which collected by field work. Through analysing the two action in 1987 and 1989, this research gains first-person insights into the mutual interaction between local and government powers as well as local responses to government control. As a result of the collision with government authority, Nantien Temple has become an influential temple on the east coast of Taiwan; the experiences and needs of local fishermen and boat-dwellers were also recognized by governments on both sides of the Strait of Taiwan through religion.


一、 引徵史料
I. 清代文獻
