  • 學位論文


Normative Study of the Stroop Color and Word Test in Healthy Individuals in Taiwan

指導教授 : 花茂棽


背景:Golden 版本的Stroop字色測驗因為兼具了刺激呈現方式友善、所需測驗時間較短,和評估臨床個案之執行功能或注意力的功能,在臨床上被廣泛使用。然而,回顧過去國外常模研究,發現過去常模建立方法仍有改善之處,且目前並沒有適合台灣地區的常模研究。目的:本研究的研究目的是建立適用於台灣人口之Golden版本的Stroop字色測驗常模,在建立常模和驗證本身心理計量特質的同時,也探討人口學變項對測驗表現的影響。方法:根據台灣的人口學特徵作為分層抽樣依據,募集了305位,教育程度0年至18年,年齡從16至92歲之正常健康人參與研究。除了Stroop字色測驗外,研究者同時評估受試者在尼爾森修訂版卡片分類測驗、彩色路徑描繪測驗、路徑描繪測驗、定速聽覺系列加法測驗、語意流暢度測驗以及魏氏成人智力量表第三版上的表現,作為效度研究的證據。結果:在以台灣人口為研究背景下,Stroop字色測驗具有良好的信效度。 除了性別無顯著影響之外,年齡和教育程度為主要預測測驗表現的人口學變項。個案在測驗四個分數上表現隨著年齡增加而下降,且在干擾分數中,發現40歲後教育程度和年齡效果有顯著交互作用,顯示教育程度越高可減緩隨年齡增加對其測驗表現的影響。另外,本研究也發現,INT分數比CW分數更能夠單純的反應執行功能或注意力。結論:本研究顯示台灣版本的Stroop 字色測驗除了具有良好的心理計量特性外,同時在利用人口變項校正後所建立的常模上亦具有良好之代表性、新近性及適切性,因此在臨床上可提供鑑別診斷、評估與監控治療復健,以及作為預測預後功能之用途。


Background: Nowadays worldwide clinical neuropsychologists applied the Stroop Color and Word Test (SCWT), modified by Golden, to evaluate patient’s attention and executive function due to its explicit and clear test module. Considering regional demographic difference, each area develops its own normative SCWT test; however, currently in Taiwan, an appropriate normative study is yet to be established for clinical settings. Objective: The study posits to mitigate the gap in neuropsychological clinical demand by analyzing SCWT’s psychometric properties and demographic variables among Taiwanese population and establishing an appropriate norm for Taiwanese population. Methods: The present study conducted a stratified sampling to select 305 (with a duration of education year between 0 to 18, and aged 16-92 years) healthy participants according to Taiwanese population demographic characteristics. Participants were also asked to take other neuropsychological tests for test validity, including the Modified Card Sorting Test (MCST), the Trail Making Test (TMT), the Color Trials Test (CTT), Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test-Revised (PASAT-R), the Semantic Association of Verbal Fluency (VF), and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-III). Results: This study presents a SCWT for Taiwanese population with supporting evidences in psychometric properties, the reliability and validity. Besides, it also found that demographic variables, the age and education level of participants, have significant impacts on test performances. Particularly, at the group of age over 40, the Interference (INT) score had a significant interaction with education and age on the INT score. Compared to CW score, the present study also pointed out that the INT is a purer measure to reflect the attention/executive function. Conclusion: Based on considering demographic variables, this study provides an appropriacy norm of the SCWT with good psychometric properties. It contributes to future clinical practices and offers opportunities in differential diagnosis, the monitoring of effects of treatment and rehabilitation, so as to prognosis.


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