  • 學位論文


Exploring a Firm’s Bricolage Process from Pure-Play to Click-and-Brick - Cases of Taiwan E-retailers

指導教授 : 謝明慧


本研究以資源拼貼觀點探討台灣網路商店從虛擬通路進入實體通路之歷程。選擇三間同在台灣電子商務成長高峰期間創立、但分別以不同電子商務經營模式起家的台灣網路原生品牌企業作為分析案例:Plain-me (B2C)、霓淨思 (B2B2C)、PG美人網(C2C),透過個案分析的研究方法,以拼貼資源的角度切入詮釋其關鍵事件和活動。描繪企業在資源有限的情況下,如何透過重組手邊資源發展實體通路。 研究發現從不同電子商務經營模式出發的網路零售商由虛擬通路跨入實體通路的歷程確有差異。拼貼過程中創辦人扮演重要的角色,現有資源的大部分來自創辦人所擁有的知識、技能、人脈。善加運用拼貼資源在實體通路發展上能夠讓在競爭激烈市場中的網路新創事業具備獨特優勢,並成功促成虛實整合、達成綜效。


This paper exploring the process of Taiwanese e-retailers develop the distribution channel - from pure-play to brick-and-click by applying the lens of bricolage. The researcher chooses 3 Taiwanese e-retailers found during the period of rapid growth in e-commerce business, with 3 different e-commerce business models: Plain-me (B2C), Neogence (B2B2C), Pretty Girl’s mall (C2C) and uses multiple case study to analyze their critical events and activities and examine how they recombine the resources at hand to expand physical channels in resource-constrained environments. The results suggest that e-retailers begin with different e-commerce business models lead to different path of developing physical channel. In addition, founders play a vital role in bricolage process, most “resources at hand” are contributed by the founders’ knowledge, skill, and social network. Bricolage behavior facilitates the e-retailers to integrate virtual and physical channels to achieve synergies and gain competitive advantage.


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