  • 學位論文


Systematic ab initio study of the spin-spiral states in zigzag graphene nanoribbons and transition metal zigzag chains

指導教授 : 郭光宇


儲存以及記憶原件在現今科技扮演非常重要的角色,而多鐵電性材料被廣泛應用在這些原件上,其中多鐵電性材料具有非共線磁性的特殊物理性質,例如自旋螺旋態。因此近來非常多關於非共線磁性的研究,特別是材料的自旋螺旋結構。然而,並沒有關於石墨鋸齒帶以及3d 過渡金屬鋸齒鏈的自旋螺旋態之研究。 在這個研究中,我們應用第一原理密度泛函理論計算石墨鋸齒帶以及過渡金屬鋸齒鏈的自旋螺旋態。我們分別計算無磁性、鐵磁性、反鐵磁性之石墨鋸齒帶後,得到反鐵磁性之石墨鋸齒帶最為穩定。鐵磁性之石墨鋸齒帶有導體特性,而反鐵磁性之石墨鋸齒帶為絕緣體。並且發現石墨鋸齒帶並不存在穩定的自旋螺旋態。在3d 過渡金屬鋸齒鏈中,我們發現鉻及鐵之鋸齒鏈存在穩定的自旋螺旋態。我們並計算3d 過渡金屬鋸齒鏈之交換相關係數(exchange interaction parameters)以及自旋波之彈性常數(stiffness constant).


Many recent studies have focused on noncollinear magnetism, especially the spin-spiral structures. However, none of them have investigated the spin-spiral structures of zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) and transition metal zigzag chains. In this study we investigated the spin-spiral structures of ZGNRs from ab initio theoretical calculations based on the density functional theory with local density approximation, and we investigated the spin-spiral structures of transition metal zigzag chains from ab initio theoretical calculations based on the density functional theory with generalized gradient approximation. We found that the antiferromagnetic-state ZGNR is more stable than ferromagnetic-state ZGNR with the same spin-spiral structure. Also the stable spin-spiral structures could be found in Fe and Cr zigzag chains. Furthermore, all the exchange interaction parameters of the 3d transition metal zigzag chains are evaluated by using the calculated energy dispersion relations of the spin-spiral waves. The spin-wave stiffness constant of these 3d metal chains is also evaluated.


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