  • 學位論文


Treatment of Bio-waste via Autoclaving and Effect on Its Volume Reduction and Reuse

指導教授 : 張慶源
共同指導教授 : 李元陞(Yuan-Shen Li)


蒸煮為機械熱處理技術之前處理步驟,其與機械分選步驟配合後,可有效將垃圾中有機纖維分離。蒸煮可有效減積、殺菌及除臭,且可將有機纖維之體積能源密度提高。此有機纖維可造粒作為鍋爐之燃料,或經焙燒後製成生質燃料或氣化原料。 本研究利用高壓高溫蒸煮處理竹筷、生廚餘及植栽落葉等生質廢棄物。藉由探討其固、液、氣產物之性質,以瞭解其再利用做為堆肥與生質燃料之可行性。實驗內容分為 1) 實驗室小型高壓蒸煮爐與 2) 實場530 L大型高壓蒸煮反應爐兩部份。前者利用600 mL的小型鍋爐產生蒸氣灌入1500 mL小型蒸煮反應爐加熱蒸煮竹筷。實場蒸煮方面,其熱源利用宜蘭利澤焚化廠所提供的7 kg/cm2、溫度170 ℃以上之過熱蒸氣,通入530 L迴轉式蒸煮反應爐直接加熱蒸煮生廚餘及植栽落葉等兩種生質廢棄物。實驗時並控制爐內溫度分別為135 ℃、155 ℃及165 ℃及蒸煮時間15 min及60 min。蒸煮處理完成後,竹筷之蒸煮處理因未達木質素分解溫度,其產物體積變化僅5%左右,能源密度變化不大。生廚餘及植栽落葉之蒸煮則有顯著的減積效果。蒸煮後之生廚餘因水份高達90%,不適合製造廢棄物衍生燃料(residual derived fuel, RDF);惟經副資材適當調整水份後製成堆肥,應具有更高的經濟價值。植栽落葉在蒸煮後能源密度上升,經脫水後有利於後續再製成RDF。


The autoclaving is a pretreatment step of the mechanical heat treatment (MHT) process. It follows with the mechanical separation step, achieving the resources recovery and reutilization. In this study, the autoclaving was applied to pretreat some key components of the municipal solid waste (MSW) before their further separation and reuse. The effects of operation parameters on the characteristics of products and emission of pollutants were examined. Two autoclaving systems were employed. In the laboratory, the saturated steam was introduced from a small boiler (600 mL) to treat the bamboo chopsticks (BC) loaded in an autoclave (1500 mL). In the on-site experiments, the superheated steam with the gauge pressure of 7 kg/cm2 and temperature of 170 ℃ was supplied from Letzer Incineration Plant. The Kitchen waste and garden waste (or litterfall) were autoclaved in a pilot-scale batch reactor (530 L). The target bio-waste was autoclaved for 15 to 60 minutes at 135 ℃, 155 ℃ and 165 ℃, respectively. After autoclaving, the volume of bamboo (VBC) remains about the same. The dry-basis heating value decreases slightly. As for the kitchen waste, the autoclaving offers a significant volume reduction. The autoclaved kitchen waste bears a high water content and is not suitable for the manufacture of refuse derived fuel (RDF). However after using Brown materials to regulate its moisture, it can be appropriately processed to produce the compost with better economic value. Regarding the garden waste, its energy density increases after autoclaving. Thus, the autoclaved garden waste is suitable for making the RDF.


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