  • 學位論文


Effects of wall materials and particulate size on the removal of indoor particulates by negative air ions

指導教授 : 李慧梅


懸浮微粒(suspended particulate)為室內空氣污染物的主要物種,對人體健康影響甚鉅。本研究之目的為評估懸浮微粒粒徑與材質表面特性對空氣負離子(negative air ion)去除懸浮微粒效果之影響。本研究以Nacl 為氣膠物種,選取介於30 nm 至 300 nm(30 nm、50 nm、80 nm、100 nm、200 nm、300 nm)共六種粒徑分別注入不銹鋼製成的環境模擬箱中進行實驗,並再選取六種常見的室內建築裝潢材質面板(兩種木材材質、兩種漆類材質、兩種壁紙材質)貼附於模擬箱內壁進行室內環境模擬。本研究探討以去除效率、有效清淨速率(Effective Cleaning Rate ,ECR)為量化評估。 實驗結果顯示空氣負離子對粒狀物之去除效率,在不同粒徑上,任一壁面材質空氣負離子對50 nm去除效率最佳,推測原因為粒徑越小擴散作用越強,粒徑越大所帶電荷量增加,電場誘導機制越強,兩種機制在粒徑50 nm時作用最高,去除效率也最佳。在不同壁面材質的部分,三種材質中,粒徑較小時以粒徑50 nm為例,分別為壁紙材質(76.44%)>木材材質(73.81%)>漆類材質(70.92%);粒徑較大時以粒徑300 nm為例,分別為木材材質(53.74%)>壁紙材質(50.94%)>漆類材質(49.23%)。 壁面材質特性研究分別針對表面粗糙度、介電常數與表面電阻率,探討三項性質對( Effective Cleaning Rate,ECR )的影響。粒徑較小時,擴散作用機制較為顯著,表面粗糙度對ECR影響較明顯,以粒徑50 nm為例,粗糙度最高之壁紙ECR為26.8 Lpm,粗糙度最低之木材材質ECR僅為14 Lpm;粒徑較大時,電場誘導機制較為顯著,介電常數與表面電阻率對ECR影響較明顯,以粒徑300 nm為例,介電常數與表面電阻率最高之核桃木材質ECR亦最高(5.5 Lpm)。


Suspended particulates are major indoor air pollutants. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of aerosol particle size and wall surface characteristics of materials in indoor environment on the control of aerosol particles by the negative air ions. In this study, the aerosol particles where composed of NaCl in the range of 30 nm to 300 nm (30 nm, 50 nm, 80 nm, 100 nm, 200 nm, 300 nm) and were injected into an experimental chamber of stainless steel. Then the experimental chamber wall surface were covered by six species of common decorating materials panel (two wood materials, two paint materials, two wallpaper material). This study investigated the removal efficiency, and ECR value (effective cleaning rate) for quantitative assessment. Diffusion increases as particle size reduction The removal efficiency was found the highest at 50 nm. Diffusion of particle decrease with particle size, electric charges increases with partice size. Electric field-induced mechanism is more significant for larger particle. At 50 nm the two mechanisms works strongly. As for the wall surface materials, in case of 50 nm, the control efficiency of wall paper is better (76.44%) than that of others, as well as that of the paint material is the lowest (70.92%) in this study. In case of 300 nm, the control efficiency of wood materials is better (53.74%) than that of others, as well as that of the paint material is the lowest (49.23%) in this study. When particle size is small, the diffusion mechanism is more significant. Surface roughness significantly has obvious impact on the ECR. The wall paper has highest surface roughness in this study .In the case of 50nm, the ECR of the wallpaper is higher (26.90 Lpm) than that of others. When particle size is larger, the electric field-induced mechanism is more significant. Dielectric constant and surface resistivity have obvious impact on the ECR. The walnut wood materials have highest Dielectric constant and surface resistivity in this study. In the case of 50nm, the ECR of the walnut wood is higher (5.5Lpm) than that of others.


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