  • 學位論文


The Fire, Fire Control and Social Life in Urban Hangzhou before Mid-Qing (1644-1861)

指導教授 : 徐泓
共同指導教授 : 巫仁恕


本文的研究課題是清初至太平軍攻陷前(1861年)杭州城的城市火災。除了探討杭州何以火災頻繁外,並藉官府與民間在火災上的各種應對,考察清代中國城市管理以及城市生活。 正文共分五章,第一章探討清代中央對火政的強化,將考察清代加強各地火災管理的背景,並對各地的實行狀況作一說明。 第二章處理清代杭州城火災概況、成因與時空特徵。本章首先討論清代杭州城中的工商業發展,接著將對杭州火災的記錄作一量化統計,以分析火災在時間、空間上的分佈趨勢,從中探討杭州火災與當地環境的關係。 第三章處理杭州政府從火災的防範到災後賑恤等諸種政策,從中觀察中央政令如何在杭州實行狀況。 第四章首先討論當地居民日常生活中防災避火舉措,其次分析杭人的建築特性與火災的關連。本章的另一個重點在考察清代民間救火組織的性質與運作,文末並說明面對火災時,官方與民間如何動員以將災害降至最低。 第五章將由杭州居民對火災的議論、當地的祠神信仰與城市風水等方面探論居民如何認識以及看待杭州火災頻仍的現象。各種社會現象其實是居民理解火災眾多的反應,本章試圖呈現在百姓在認識杭城災情頻繁與避災的過程中,產生的各種民間傳說與其中官民之間的複雜互動。


清代 杭州 火災 火政 社會生活


This article analyzes the fire accident of Hangzhou city before Taiping army occupied (1861). In addition to discuss why fire accident takes place so frequently in Hangzhou, the article also investigates the various response by Officials and people to the fire, to observe the urban management and urban life in Qing Dynasty. The paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter1 analyzes the reason for why Qing central government improved their fire control policy, as well as the various situation of execution by local governments. Chapter2 talks about the general situation of Hangzhou city’s fire, causes and spatial and temporal characteristics. This chapter discusses Hangzhou's industrial and commercial development at first, and then makes a quantitative statistics to analyze the trend of Hangzhou’s fire in time and space distribution, to explore the relationship between fire and Hangzhou environment. Chapter3 discusses the fire control of the Hangzhou administration, from fire prevention to after-fire compensation and other policies, and observing the interaction between the central government and Hangzhou authorities through it. Chapter4 discusses the daily fire prevention methods of the local residents at first, followed by analyzes the architectural features and the correlation with the fire. This chapter also puts emphasis on the civil fire fighting organization. At the end of this chapter shows how to reduce the influence of fire accident between official and the public when it happened. Chapter5 analyzes Hangzhou residents how to recognize and treat the phenomenon of frequent fire accidents through people’s discuss of the fire, the local religion, and other aspects such as feng-shui of this city. The various social phenomena actually are local residents in Hangzhou’s reaction when realize frequent fire accidents, this chapter attempts to analyze and present through the process of common people try to understand fire and to know how to evades the disaster that produced each kind of folklore and complex interaction between officials and people.


Qing dynasty Hangzhou fire accident fire control social life




