  • 學位論文


The Origin and development of Epitaph in Early China

指導教授 : 甘懷真


墓誌,是一種將死者的姓名、身份,以及紀念死者文字銘刻在石材或磚材的墓葬銘刻。墓誌在古人的概念中有兩種意涵,一是指文字,二是指承載文字的「物」,換句話說,也就是墓誌的「書寫內容」與「外在形制」,本論文的研究對象即是1世紀至6世紀間墓誌的書寫內容與外在形制。   在研究動機方面,本論文試圖從一個較全面的視角來檢視墓誌的發展過程,跳脫僅利用墓誌「證成」傳世文獻的方法論困境,突顯出墓誌除文字外的研究價值。在研究目標方面,本論文利用考古材料,搭配傳世文獻,考察墓誌出現原因、出現背景、發展歷程等問題。在上述的大目標底下又可分為三個細目:首先,本文將探討人們埋設墓葬銘刻的動機,此動機與當時的社會習俗有何關係;第二,魏晉南北朝各政權施行的國家政策,以及地域、族群等因素對墓誌發展造成了什麼影響;第三,非漢民族在進入中原後是如何(為何)摹仿漢人書寫墓誌,在書寫的背後有著什麼樣的價值取向。   本論文的第二章〈墓誌起源與漢代墓葬文化〉透過解釋傳世文獻,認為在墓誌出現之前已有誌墓風俗,不過並非所有帶有誌墓功能的墓葬銘刻皆可視為墓誌。此外本文總結漢代的墓葬銘刻,認為漢代「墓誌」尚未有固定、完整的形制,往往誌刻在墓室的一角或附麗於畫像石旁,而這可能跟漢代的社會風俗與選舉制度有關。本論文的第三章〈魏晉、南朝墓誌形制與內容的轉變〉對魏晉時期的禁碑令有較細密的詮釋,並認為魏晉、南朝墓誌的形制與內容除吸納了漢代墓碑的特色,也受到此時期地域及人為因素影響,而有了相應的轉變。本論文的第四章〈族群交融下的十六國、北魏墓誌發展〉探討西晉碑型墓誌的地域特色與傳播途徑,藉此了解碑型墓誌文化在北方的傳播與重建過程。此外,本章爬梳北魏後期墓誌的生產過程,認為北魏後期的墓誌書寫內容反映國家的政策立場,國家可透過參與墓誌的生產過程而影響到墓誌書寫內容。


Epitaph is tomb inscriptions which craved name, identification and memorial writing for deceased. There were two meanings of epitaph in early China, one was the words craved on the tomb, and the other was the form of the tomb. This essay focused on the two meanings between the 1st century to 6th century. This essay tried to observe the origin and development of the epitaph in early China from a wider perspective. In the past, the scholars only used epitaph words as historical evidence; however, they neglected the substantial messages of epitaph itself. Therefore, this essay described the epitaph’s history and social background according to archaeological materials and historical document. This essay could be divided into three parts: First, it explored why people bury the epitaph, and how their motive related to social customs; second, how the development of the epitaph effected by national policy, geographical and ethnic factors; third, why and how non-Han (非漢民族) imitated Han (漢) in writing epitaph, and the social values behind the epitaph -writing. In the Chapter two, according to historical document, it argued that the customs of tomb-inscribing appeared before the epitaph, but not all tomb inscriptions could be considered as the epitaph. Reviewing all tomb inscriptions of Han, it revealed that “Han epitaph” (漢代墓誌) hasn’t yet been in fixed form, for instance, the inscriptions often carved on the corner of the tomb room (墓室) or attached beside the stone reliefs (畫像石). This phenomenon may relate to social customs and electoral of Han Dynasty. Chapter three interpreted the “Ban of Stele” (禁碑令) in medieval China, and argued that the form and context of the epitaph in medieval China succeeded the characters of Han Dynasty, and found out that it was also affected by geographical and artificial factors. In the Chapter four, it discussed the reconstruction of the stele-shaped culture (碑型墓誌文化) in the Northern China by exploring the regional features and the routes of spread of West-Jin Dynasty “stele-shaped epitaph” (碑型墓誌). Besides, it re-examined the process of the epitaph-fabricating, and considered the writings of the epitaph reflected the position of national policy. Through intervening in the epitaph-fabricating, the nation affected the writings of the epitaph.




