  • 學位論文


Transition : From 2D to Quasi-One Dimension of Spin Transport

指導教授 : 張慶瑞


本篇論文將探討自旋電子在自旋軌道偶和的傳輸從二維系統到準一 維系統。利用非平衡格林函數在緊核模型和碎形理論,模擬自旋電子 和電子在不同形狀的元件分布情形,是否有碎形的情況產生。同時隨 著形狀的改變,可以傳導的面積隨之減少,因而傳輸的能力也會有所 不同。接著比較相通數量接點的線型傳輸元件,藉以分析出碎形所造 成的效應。


電子傳輸 碎形 量子點 格林函數


This thesis is theoretical study of spatial behavior of spin from two dimensions to quasi-one dimension subject to the Rashba spin-orbital coupling. The theoretical method is Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function (NEGF) in tightbinding model and lead self-energy model. The result of NEGF in 2D simple tight-binding square-lattice Hamiltonian and two normal metal leads is studied. The Spin Hall effect presents in the distribution of spin density. We tune the two-dimensional square-lattice into quasi-one dimensional fractal shape by taking off the element of matrix of Hamiltonian. In the different shape we produced, the local spin density and transmission are discussed and compared with linear shape in each cases.


105(7):07E908, 2009.
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