  • 學位論文


Examining the Taiwan’s Abortion Laws from the Theory of Undue Burden Test

指導教授 : 王皇玉


眾所皆知地,墮胎罪的處罰在道德層次引發了長期、激烈的爭執與討論,「擁護生命」及「擁護選擇」兩個陣營對於墮胎行為各持己見,採取極端對立的立場。至於在法律層次,究竟墮胎罪是否應除罪化?若否,墮胎行為應該如何被規範?此為權利衝突及權衡的問題。具體而言,涉及的是墮胎罪的保護法益、對婦女的權利限制、刑罰的最後手段性及比例原則的適用等問題。 本文研究即著重於探討墮胎法律制度所產生之權利衝突,藉由美國法與我國法之對照觀察,以美國法所建立的「不當負擔理論」為標準,試圖權衡解決此一權利衝突,並依此標準,回過頭來檢視我國墮胎法律制度之正當性及合憲性。 對此,本文第一章先概略說明研究之重點及方向,包括研究動機與問題意識、研究方法與研究範圍,以及研究架構。第二章則介紹美國墮胎規範的歷史演進和最高法院歷年來重要之墮胎相關判決。在了解美國最高法院之實務見解及操作模式後,第三章則進入學理上之探討,以墮胎法律制度所涉及之權利衝突為核心,分析墮胎罪之保護法益,以及等該規範將對婦女造成如何之影響,藉此抽象勾勒墮胎行為之合理管制模式。 第四章為我國墮胎相關法制觀察,首先針對我國墮胎法律制度沿革及社會背景作一介紹,觀察墮胎行為入罪化之過程,並將焦點置於1935年通過之中華民國刑法墮胎罪及1985年通過之優生保健法,再檢視我國司法實務對墮胎罪所採取的態度。第五章則接續前章開展,實質以「不當負擔理論」分析我國墮胎法律制度之正當性及合憲性。首先探討懷孕婦女之墮胎自主權在我國法上之權利性質及位階,以決定審查標準。其次檢視我國刑法墮胎罪之保護法益是否合憲,再具體針對限制之手段─即各墮胎法律制度,逐一評析其與法規目的是否有實質關聯、手段是否過當。 在第六章的結論中,則回顧本文研究重要的論證過程及論證結果,比較美國法及我國法,從「不當負擔理論」檢驗我國墮胎法制,對未來之墮胎法律制度提出建議。


We all know the punishment of abortion led to a long-term and intense dispute and discussion. "Pro-life" and "Pro-choice" camps held the personal opinion respectively regarding the abortion behavior, adopted the extreme opposite standpoint. From the view of legal aspect, should abortion behavior be decriminalization? If not, how should it be regulated? This is a question about rights conflict and balance. More specifically, it’s a question involved in the legal interests of abortion law, restrictions on women's rights, the ultimo ratio of penalty and the application of the principle of proportionality. This thesis focus on exploring the conflict of rights about abortion law system, observed by the United State and Taiwan’s abortion law, according to the theory of "undue burden test" established by US Supreme Court, trying to solve and weigh the conflict to these two rights, and examining the legitimacy and constitutionality of Taiwan’s abortion laws in the end. In this regard, the first chapter outlines the direction of the research, including the research motivation, question consciousness, research methods, research scope, as well as research construction. The second chapter introduces the abortion history in the U.S. and the abortion-related judgments of US Supreme Court over the years. The third chapter is about the conflict of rights involved in abortion law, which analyzing the protection of legal interests abortion crime, as well as the influence and impact against women. In the fourth chapter, the thesis observes the legal system of Taiwan, makes an introduction to abortion law regime evolution and the social background, and focus on the Criminal Law in 1935 and the Genetic Health Law in 1985. Then view the attitude adopted by our judicial practice of abortion crimes. The fifth Chapter analysis the legitimacy and constitutionality of Taiwan’s abortion law of the theory of "undue burden test". First, the thesis discusses the legal position of abortion rights of pregnant women in order to determine the examination standard. Next, the thesis exams the constitutionality of legal goals of Taiwan’s abortion criminal laws, then analysis the restricted means one by one, to see whether there is an essence association between the goals and the restricted means. Last but not least, the thesis evaluates those restricted means by the principle of proportion. In conclusion, the thesis reviews an important verification process and demonstrated results in sixth chapter, comparing the U.S. and Taiwan’s abortion laws from the theory of "undue burden test" and put forward some recommendations of Taiwan’s abortion law system.




