  • 學位論文


Kingship and Buddhism in the Sixth to the Beginning of the Seventh Century in East Asia

指導教授 : 甘懷真


六至七世紀初是佛教在東亞大陸上發展的關鍵期,中國、朝鮮半島、日本皆因為君王是否要令全國崇信佛教的議題,在其國內發生嚴重的政治鬥爭,並且都發生反佛的歷史事件。本文以此歷史背景作為討論的立足點,探討中國、朝鮮半島、日本的統治者如何認識佛教,以及如何運用佛教來回應此時期自國內的政治鬥爭與反佛活動。 在中國,隋文帝復興佛教不僅是出於個人的佛教信仰,在更多層面上回應北周武帝滅佛和法滅、末法的思想,強調君王是受到佛囑付正法的國王,並且採用《金光明經》的正法治國概念作為君王統治的核心理念,主張中國的君王是受命於四天王天的天子。在隋文帝仁壽年間的舍利塔設置活動中,隋文帝不僅宣示其為中國的阿育王,透過懺儀,也展現其是《金光明經》中的正法國王,以此來加深、強化中國隋代人們對於隋文帝統治上的認同。 在新羅,法興王試圖在國內發展佛教,引起國內貴族的不滿和政治衝突。透過異次頓根據《金光明經》與《大般涅槃經》的佛教實踐,促使新羅的反佛貴族認識到佛教的神祕性與靈驗,轉而願意支持法興王的興佛政策。同時,法興王與新羅貴族根據佛教信仰締結崇佛的政治團體。而後,新羅真興王延續法興王的崇佛政策與理念,繼續發展王室佛教的信仰與崇佛君臣團體的結合關係。此外,真興王時期奠定新羅護國佛教的基礎,透過舉辦仁王百高座法會,藉此期盼佛教可以護佑其國土和團結新羅國內的貴族勢力。此時,新羅護國佛教信仰型態是以君王為核心,並且以新羅王室佛教信仰向外延伸,構成涵蓋新羅國內貴族、人民的護國佛教信仰。 在倭國,倭國的蘇我氏與物部氏因為倭國是否要崇信佛教導致嚴重的政治衝突和內戰。蘇我馬子、廄戶王在內戰過程中,透過《金光明經》的實踐與發願,認為佛教會護佑其勢力。在內戰勝利後,蘇我馬子、廄戶王根據其誓言,決定在倭國內流通佛教和興建塔寺。在推古大王在位期間,透過倭國大王的崇佛詔令,令倭國的有力豪族或氏族加入以王權為首的崇佛政治集團。此時,倭國的佛教發展方式是透過王權的政治力量,拉攏、吸納倭國有力的豪族或氏族加入,共同形成一個以王權為核心、諸氏族支持的崇佛政治集團。最後,推古大王在位期間的佛教性質,在本質上仍是氏族佛教,此時期倭國大王結合倭國有力的豪族或氏族的崇佛政治集團,未來成為天武天皇建構古代日本律令國家與佛教統治的基礎。


佛教 王權 東亞 古代國家 《金光明經》


The sixth and the beginning of the seventh century were the crucial time for Buddhism to develop in East Asia. Emperors/Kings, not only in China, but also in Korean Pennisula and Japan, faced serious debates for whether to worship Buddhism or not. Through invastigating the arguments of worshipping or opposing Buddhism, this article will discuss how the rulers in China, Korean Pennisula, and Japan perceived Buddhism and utilized it to react to the political controversy. In China, Emperor Wen of Sui reinstated Buddhism for not only his personal belief in Buddhism but also in response to the destruction of Buddhism by Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou and the idea of the declination of dharma. Emperor Wen of Sui claimed himself to be the “Right King” based on the ideas in Sutra of Golden Light. Moreover, with the contruction of the stupas and the ritual of repentance, Emperor Wen of Sui reinforced the legitimacy of his ruling as well. In Silla, King Beopheung’s action of developing Buddhism caused political opposition from the aristocracy; however, with the sacrafice of Ichadon, the aristocracy realized the power of Buddhism and converted to it. The coversion of the aristocracy made the ruling class connected with the shared belief of Buddhism. Later, King Jinheung took the same attitude toward Buddhism as King Beopheung. During the reign of King Jinheung, Buddhism in Silla has become state-protected and king-centered. In ancient Japan, Soga clan and Mononobe clan had serious controversy over Buddhism. After winning the war between the two clans, Soga clan believed that the triumph was from the belief of Buddhism, so they advocated Buddhism and built temple in return. In addtion, Empress Suiko, also related to Soga clan, ordered the country to worship Buddhism, which caused the powerful clans to join a political group that sharing a common belief: Buddhism. Finally, Buddhism in Japan during the reign of Empress Suiko was still in the category of clan-based Buddhism, which became the foundation of the building of Japan by the Emperor Tenmu.


