  • 學位論文


Female Lives in Tang Dynasty surrounding Eastern Capital, LuoYang

指導教授 : 陳弱水


唐王朝與鮮卑關係密切,國力鼎盛時,又多與西域交流。許多人對於當時的女性,多有自由開放的印象。事實上,唐代同時也是引禮入律的轉變期,許多針對女性的規範,定型於此時。這些觀念與規範,實與現代女性的處境有所關聯。 全文以唐代洛陽城的四季做為背景,描述在不同季節都市人們的生活樣貌。結合季節的推展,描寫女性一生的不同階段,探究唐代女性生命中的必經歷程。第一章春季,探討與女性外貌有關的物質文化、女性的社交活動,以及女性出嫁前在家中受到的教育。第二章夏季至初秋,討論女性對於戀愛的想像、婚姻的實態,以及婚後女性與夫家、本家、丈夫之妾的關係,或者可能遭遇到離婚的情形。第三章晚秋到冬季,記述女性懷胎生產、教養子女、為母的形象,以及唐代女性參與宗教、死亡後的相關葬儀。尾聲回歸春季為全文作總結。 本論文以「敘事」形式寫成。希望整合研究成果,並進行知識傳播。筆者試圖以唐代的洛陽城為主要時空背景,整理先行研究,加上自己的推測,重建上層婦女在洛陽的生活樣貌。盼能藉由探究唐代女性的生活,反思現代女性的處境。


The following research attempts to explore female social conditions in Tang Dynasty through reconstruction of urban lives of upper class females in East Capital LuoYang. Whereas Tang Dynasty had maintained close relationship with XiznBei (鮮卑族), and had been involved in various interactions with Western Regions (西域) in its prime, many may assume that females during the time enjoyed more liberal social states. Nonetheless, it should not be overlooked that Tang Dynasty was also the time period when moral codes were consolidated into legal terms, and amid the laws, many female behaviors were formalized into decree. Through careful assembly and organization of prior literatures, the writer raises insights to disclose social rules and feudal codes bounding Tang Dynasty females. Composed in seasonal order and focused on female figures, this study not only describes Tang Dynasty urban lives in different terms, but the sequence also resonates with important phases of human life progress and corresponding social customs. The first chapter, spring, depicts female premarital stages, including material culture on appearances, social activities among female communities, and premarital domestic education. Summer to early autumn, as in chapter two, portrays female progression into marriage, from fancies about relationships and actual marital experiences, subsequent post-marriage conditions, as to connections with maiden families, in-laws relatives and concubines of their husbands, to possible divorce situations. The third chapter spanning across late fall to winter, illustrates motherhood, describing maternal images from pregnancy to children upbringing, and presents the final stage of life, investigating female participation in religious and funeral rituals. Closing chapter then returns to spring, concluding the life and death cycle of Tang Dynasty females. Relating Tang Dynasty to nowadays scenario, this study seeks to stage then-urban lives, and to compare and contemplate on female social status in past and present progress. In hopes to inspire further reflection on modern female condition, the writer adopts narrative form to integrate research with accessible knowledge transmission and share results with greater public.


