  • 學位論文


An Examination of Fertility Intentions among Female Nurses in Taiwan Using the Theory of Planned Behavior

指導教授 : 黃俊豪


目標:運用計劃行為理論探討臺灣女性護理人員之生育意圖,檢視其三大構念(行為態度、主觀規範及自覺行為控制),與其生育意圖之關係。 方法:於2013年9月,針對北部某區域醫院、20-40歲、非懷孕中之女性護理人員進行問卷調查,收回有效樣本624名,使用多變項羅吉斯迴歸,並以有無子女之狀態進行分層分析,分別探討計劃行為理論構念之直接及間接測量,對生育意圖之影響。 結果:本研究以直接測量進行分析時發現,無子者對懷孕之行為態度為相對中立(AOR=3.38)或正向(AOR=29.85)、主觀規範為相對高度支持(AOR=3.54)時,有子者之主觀規範為相對中度(AOR=9.36)或高度支持(AOR=8.42)時,皆有較高之生育意圖,而自覺行為控制則皆不顯著。若改以間接測量之五類因素進行分析時,則發現自覺行為控制之有利及阻礙因素,皆與生育意圖具不同程度之顯著相關。 結論:本研究顯示,目前有無子女之狀態為生育意圖之重要調節變項,行為態度及主觀規範為主要影響因素,自覺行為控制則僅在間接測量時才顯現其影響力。基於上述發現,若欲提升女性護理人員之生育意圖,針對無子者應加強提供生育有利因素,對有子者則應著力於改善相關阻礙因素,本研究結果可作為創造護理人員生育友善環境及研擬政策介入之實證參考依據。


Objectives: The aims of this study were to examine fertility intentions of female nurses in Taiwan, using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and to explore the relationships of their attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control with their fertility intentions. Methods: In September 2013, survey data were collected from female nurses who were working in a regional hospital in northern Taiwan, 20-40 years of age, and not pregnant at the time of the study. A total of 624 valid responses were received. Multivariate logistic regression, stratified by motherhood status, was conducted to examine whether the direct and indirect measures of TPB constructs were associated with fertility intentions. Results: For example, childless people who is relatively neutral in attitude (AOR = 3.38) positive (AOR = 29.85) , and subjective norm is relatively high level of support (AOR = 3.54) , parents who is a relative moderate in the subjective norm (AOR = 9.36) and high level of support (AOR = 8.42) , there are higher fertility intentions, but perceived behavioral control is not significantly. Changed to indirectly measure five factors can be found, beneficial and hindering factors of perceived behavioral control, have different degrees of influence. Conclusion: Have or have no children is an important moderator, attitude toward the behavior and subjective norm are the main factors in direct measurements, perceived behavioral control in the indirect measurements will also influence. Childless should be provided by beneficial factors, parents who should be focused on improving the hindering factors. This study can be used to improve workplace environment, empirical reference to policy intervention and health education strategies.


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