  • 學位論文


The Influence of Package Visual Elements of Floral Gift on Emotional Communication for Romantic Relationships

指導教授 : 黃麗君


花卉是台灣極具競爭力的農作物之一,其高附加價值使得花卉在眾多作物中脫穎而出。當花卉作為禮物時,其在人際關係間所扮演的溝通角色更可以看出花卉在台灣文化中的重要性。為了提升花卉產品的推廣效益,探討消費者對花禮的需求是花卉產業行銷的關鍵議題。花卉禮物因其充滿浪漫、愛情的象徵,故在情人節禮物市場中占有一席之地。因此,本研究以情人節為例,探討愛情關係下花禮的消費需求。禮物一直以來都被視為是維持人際關係的媒介。透過適當的包裝,更能顯現出禮物的價值與質感,進而達到表達心意、情感溝通的目的。愛情關係中的贈禮行為也不例外,故本研究將進一步切入花禮包裝來探討情人之間的贈花行為,聚焦在透過包裝視覺元素對於愛情情感溝通的增值效果。 本研究整合視覺元素、包裝設計、以及贈禮行為的溝通概念,旨在探討愛情情感溝通是否會因包裝視覺元素的不同而產生差異,在花禮包裝視覺元素的部分針對材質與裝飾進行探討。本研究以問卷調查的方式進行資料搜集,共計採收384份有效樣本,透過重複測量的多變量變異數分析(Repeat-measured MANOVA)進行研究假設的驗證以及結果分析。研究結果顯示,花禮包裝視覺元素中,不僅在材質與裝飾的交互作用中有對愛情情感溝通有顯著影響,在個別的單純主效果中也有顯著影響。從上述結果可以推論消費者在透過選擇禮物進行愛情情感溝通時,包裝也扮演了決定性的角色,透過不同的包裝搭配,可以使消費者聯想到不同的愛情情感,本研究並將上述結果整理成花禮包裝視覺元素之消費者購買決策模型。


Flower is one of the most important agricultural products in Taiwan because of its high-added value. Moreover, floral gift plays an important role in the interpersonal communication. To enhance the efficiency of floral products’ promotion, it is always a key-point to deeply explore the consumer insights and then precisely make the market-ing strategies in floral industry. As the love and romantic symbols of flowers, floral gifts take a place in Valentine’s Day gifts market naturally. Above all, present work is interested in comsumer’s needs on floral gifts of Valentine’s Day. Besides, gifts have been taken as a medium of interpersonal communications for a long time. What messages have been convey is a crucial concept that may decide the end of the communications in relationship. Additional, the package of gift also has a function of expression people’s emotions so that the package takes an indispensible part of floral gifts, especially in romantic relationships. Consequently, present work focuses on the value-added effects on emotional communication of floral gifts packages in ro-mantic relationships. This study integrates the theories of visual convey, package design, gift-giving and communication to explore the influences of package visual elements of floral gifts on emotional communications of romantic relationships. For the package visual elements of floral gift, it is especially focused on its materials and decorations. In addition, a questionnaire is designed and used to collect the data of totally 384 valid samples. The results of repeat-measured MANOVA indicate that the package of floral gift plays a de-cisive role for consumer purchasing decisions when they are choosing an ideal gift for their partner on Valentine’s Day. Different visual elements of the floral gift package can convey different emotional messages such as love expression, relationships confirma-tion, the importance of relationships, self-identification, and the cognition of receiver in romantic relationships. It’s also differed from difference collections of visual elements. As the results, this study develops a model of consumer purchase decision process. It is about the best choice of package visual elements that communicate the specific emo-tional messages for romantic relationships. This model can also be taken as a reference of floral gifts marketing strategies for flower retailers.


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