  • 學位論文

張家山漢簡《二年律令》與邊塞漢簡所見漢代的塞尉 與城尉

Military officers of border and Fortress During Han Dynasty Unearthed from “The Law of The Second Year” in Zhangjiashan Han Bamboo Slips and Documents in Northwestern Borders

指導教授 : 邢義田


本文著重於釋讀塞尉、城尉相關的簡牘材料,與文獻綜合討論。根據《二年 律令》的記載,漢初塞尉與城尉為普設於各級郡、縣、道的防禦武官,河水沿岸 亦設有河塞尉與河城尉。漢初,朝廷及諸侯國關係緊張,外族也不時侵擾邊境, 因此漢廷在與外族接壤的邊郡,以及與諸侯國交界的內郡,以及關中皆普置防禦 組織ˤ隨著諸侯國的力量漸被削弱,武帝後,僅剩邊郡仍有塞尉與城尉的編制, 內郡已無塞尉與城尉的記載。早期由於漢初文獻缺乏,僅見武帝以後邊郡塞尉與 城尉的材料,學者根據居延漢簡認為塞尉與城尉分別屬於邊郡不同的系統。近來 根據《二年律令》記載,漢初郡、縣、道皆有塞尉與城尉的編制,兩者的隸屬以 及秩級相同。居延漢簡裡塞尉與城尉雖然隸屬不同,但根據本文新釋出城尉的秩 級為二百石,發現塞尉與城尉的秩級相同。漢初塞尉與城尉原本隸屬相同,較晚 到武帝時塞尉與城尉才隸屬於不同單位,故本文將塞尉與城尉並列討論。 塞尉與城尉的課題始於邊郡防禦組織的研究。過去雖已釐清部分制度,但缺 乏塞尉、城尉的專門研究,仍有問題需要釐清。塞尉與城尉的研究極為依賴簡牘, 故本文著重於重新整理、釋讀相關的新、舊材料,尤其是《二年律令ί秩律》簡 〔469〕。此簡為漢代塞尉與城尉的最早記錄,過去僅釋出部分文字。本文比對 簡〔469〕缺釋文字後,共校補12 字並推測1 字,完成整簡釋讀工作,釋出河 塞、城尉,塞司空以及候長。河塞、城尉與塞司空為過去未見的新職官。釋出候 長證明候長自漢初就存在,並非由縣、道之「候」演變而來。進而考證漢初塞尉 與城尉的相關制度。並重新整理釋讀居延與肩水地區漢簡與塞尉、城尉相關的材 料,補充與修正過去論點。最後綜合比較漢代初期至中晚期塞尉、城尉的發展。


漢代 塞尉 城尉 張家山漢簡 二年律令 秩律 邊塞漢簡


The research is about two military officers during Han dynasty: military officers of border(塞尉) and fortress(城尉). According to “the law of the second year (二年律令), ” there were military officers of border and fortress of commanderies(郡) , counties(縣), roads(道) and shores along with yellow river (河)in early Han. In early Han , Han was divided into areas directly controlled by central government, and a number of semi-autonomous kingdoms(諸侯王國). Owing to the tension between central government and kingdoms, Han central government thus arranged defense systems with a number of soldiers and officers not only in borders between Han and barbarians but also in borders between Han and kingdoms. After the rebellion of the seven kingdoms(七王之亂), Han central government took back most powers from kingdoms. There was no reason to maintain a number of military officers in borders between Han and Kingdoms. Consequently, in the rule of Emperor Wu(武帝), military officers of border and fortress were only set in borders between Han and barbarians, and those two officers were combined to army commanders(郡都尉) who led soldiers to defend border lines of frontier commaderies(邊郡). Therefore, when scholars research those two military officers based on documents in northwestern borders(邊塞漢簡), they believed those two officers were arranged only in frontier commanderies. However, in early Han, those two officers were arranged in frontier and inner commanderies(邊郡、內郡) because of tension between Han and kingdoms.




