  • 學位論文


The Study of Economics Course Taught in Commercial High Schools

指導教授 : 張清溪


商職經濟學課程之研究 中文摘要 本研究探討商職經濟學課程,除了檢討一貫課程中經濟教育的整合及銜接現況,並分析商職經濟教育所存在的問題及困境。本文分析結果,認為商職「經濟學」之專業理論課程並無存在必要,經濟學課程應回歸其作為培育現代公民能力的教育功能,因此建議應整合高級中等教育之普通高中與職校內之「公民與社會」的經濟課程,統一適用目前普通高中相同的教材。歸納理由如下: 一、商職階段學習「經濟學」專業理論課程的缺點 目前商職升學率已高達八成,且絕大多數進入技職院校之高等教育後,重複學習經濟學的問題日趨嚴重。 1. 當前多元入學已使得大專院校的學生來源,打破中等教育各學制的藩籬。大專生在「經濟學」的基礎能力不一,造成大專院校教師的教學困境。 2. 四技二專的入學測驗之經濟學題型,引導學生以記憶的方式學習經濟學,亦使教師過於著重理論的傳授,而忽略經濟概念應用於生活的教育意義。 3. 經濟學理論的數理圖形分析,對就業技能既無助益,也造成學生學習挫折。 4. 職校與普通高中學生經濟學課程不同,造成學生在學制間轉換不易。 5. 商職經濟教師對經濟理論未能了解透徹,教學效果大打折扣。 6. 教科書及參考書作者對經濟學原意的扭曲,亦誤導了學習。 二、整合各學制適用相同教材的優點 1. 經濟環境日趨複雜,經濟詐騙事件頻傳,公民應共同具備經濟與商業常識。 2. 高職學生比例日減,且職業類科繁多,課程修訂備受社會忽視。 3. 商職教師若同時取得「公民與社會」科的教師資格,不僅能解決師資問題,亦有利於各學制開設商業選修課程,促使商業課程普及化的發展。


The Study of Economics Course Taught in Commercial High Schools Abstract This thesis has studied the contents of Economics in senior commercial high schools in Taiwan. In addition to reviewing the integration and linkage of economics course under the Grade 1-12 Curriculum, we also analyzed the problems and puzzles of economics education in commercial high schools. We reached a conclusion that commercial high schools do not have to emphasize the theoretical economics. Instead, the course of economics should play the role to foster the modern civilian education. We therefore suggested that there should have a unique course of economics for both of academic high and vocational high schools, and the economics outlines currently used in academic high should be adopted to vocational high schools. The reasons are as follows: 1. The disadvantages of theoretical economics used in commercial high schools A. Today, more than 80% of commercial high graduates have entered higher education. Most of them go to technical colleges where economics is a required course and repeat what they have learned in high schools. B. Multi-sources of college students created difficulties of teaching in colleges because they have different background of economics learning. C. The college entry examinations of economics led the teaching in high schools to emphasize the theoretical and memorized parts. In fact, what the students really needed are life applications. D. The theoretical economics are useless to high-school graduates for employment, and discourage them in high-school studies. E. Different contents of economics hinder students from school-transfer. F. Teachers in high schools are not economics expertise. G. Textbooks and study guides made errors in certain cases. 2. The advantages of using economics outlines used in academic high schools A. The society are getting more complicated and confused, citizens need more basic knowledge of commerce and economic affairs. B. Vocational high schools are getting less important so that their curriculum reforms are usually neglected by the society. C. Teachers of social sciences in academic high and vocational high schools can be treated as equal and exchangeable between schools. Keywords: vocational-technical curriculum, commercial education, economics education, civics and society, curriculum integration.





