  • 學位論文


A Study on the Management Strategy of Environmental Analysis Organizations-the Field of Air Pollutants Measurement in Stationary Pollution Sources as an example

指導教授 : 鄭福田


我國環境檢測機構許可制度實施至今已有十餘年之久,在環境基本法明確揭示事業自動申報制度為我國環境污染管制措施之一後,更奠定了環境檢測機構存在的定位與價值。環境檢測機構所提供之檢測數據用途可作為工廠(場)污染防制或改善之基礎,亦為政府機關污染管制、調查或評估中不可或缺之依據;但良好數據品質來自合理利潤與有效管理。由於環境檢測機構管理制度設計不完善、法規建制不全、管理人力不足及檢測市場供需失衡等環境因素下,環境檢測機構之檢測數據品質已有逐漸下降之虞。 本研究以固定污染源排放管道空氣污染物之檢測為例,估算其檢測人力基本工時需求,推估最適市場檢測人力供應量,並針對目前檢測機構許可與管理現況,研擬管理之改善策略建議,提供主管機關作為施政之參考。 研究結果顯示,現有取得固定污染源排放管道空氣污染物項目許可之檢驗室家數與最適供應量相接近,但檢測機構取得許可後,檢驗室擴充檢測人力及設備能量,造成市場呈現供過於求,其中以「戴奧辛採樣」項目最為嚴重;因此對檢測機構取得許可後,檢測量能擴充的控制,檢測技術的監督有其必要性。另外研訂「環境檢驗管理法」,實施檢測人員證照制度為直接有效,但須長期努力之策略;建議設置採樣即時追蹤系統,建立採樣監控機制;加強專業訓練及分工,落實採樣監督機制;提高查核頻率與效益;控制檢測能量與檢測市場供需資訊公開等為短期可行之檢測機構管理策略。


It has been more than ten years for the Republic of China in Taiwan to have the accreditation system for the environmental analysis organizations (EAOs). After the environmental enterprises are mandated to have an effective measure, which is called the self-reporting mechanism, for environmental pollution controls, and which is under the “Basic Environment Act” set by Environmental Protection Administration, the EAOs play accordingly an important and effective role in the career of environmental pollution controls. The testing data provided by EAOs are not only useful for the factories as the guidelines of pollution prevention and improvement in practice, but also useful for the competent authority as the essential references to enforce pollution controls, surveillance and assessments. Logically, the quality of data is negatively related to profits and loading capacity of the EAOs. In addition, a good quality of data is based on the management system of the EAOs. However, the quality of testing data provided by EAOs recently has the risk of degradation due to certain factors, such as the immaturity of the management system for EAOs, shortage in enactment and manpower, and imbalance between supply and demand in the environmental analysis. This study is focused on “Air Pollutants Measurement in Stationary Pollution Sources” as an example to estimate the employees and equipments capacity required for the disclosed measurements, to project the optimal supply of analysis manpower and equipments capacity in the whole environmental analysis market, and to provide positive suggestions for policymaker in managing and accrediting the EAOs. The result of this study reveals that the capacity of the available EAOs measuring “Air Pollutants Measurement in Stationary Pollution Sources” is nearly equal to the estimated optimal supply of analysis manpower and equipments capacity in the environmental analysis market. Nevertheless, that the EAOs are qualified and then start to expand their business for a good profit brings undesirable consequences in which supply exceeds the demand, particularly, in the approved item of dioxins sampling. Therefore, after the EAOs are qualified, there is a need to supervise their testing capacity and analysis skills. This study has proposals to prevent the undesirable consequences in terms of long-term and short-term strategy for the management of the EAOs. For long-term strategy, the competent authority should formulate and promulgate the regulations of “Environmental Analysis Management Act” and “Licensing of the Analysis Personnel.” For short-term strategy, the EAOs are requested to set up satisfactory processes for their testing data, including the real time tracking system of sampling, intensive professional training, personnel specialty collaboration, sampling auditing procedures, reasonable rate of auditing and evaluation, monitoring testing capacity and market survey aimed at supply and demand status in the related field timely.


20. 最高行政法院,九十年度判字第二0五七號判決書,90年11月。
9. 行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所內部資料。
17. 行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所,環境檢驗測定機構檢驗室業者座談會資料,2002。
19. 行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所內部資料。
2. U.S. National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference, Proficiency Testing, Revision 17, 2002,


