  • 學位論文


The Case Study of Supply Chain Coordination of LCD Driver IC Industry

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


在供應鏈課題未被廣泛探討之前,所有的競爭基礎多取決於公司內部之交期、成本、品質及服務,但隨著消費者需求變動及科技發展的迅速,只靠公司內部的整合已不足以應付這樣的變動,為了進一步追趕上競爭的腳步,上下游的配合程度便成為另一個重要的競爭基礎。臺灣在今日全球半導體產業供應鏈之中,佔有舉足輕重的角色。然而,過去學術上極少有針對臺灣公司所做的個案分析與其供應鏈狀況的研究與討論。因此本研究擬利用LCD面板之驅動IC供應鏈之資料進行個案研究,瞭解驅動IC產業鏈的狀況及問題。 本研究訪談驅動IC封測代工廠商A公司,蒐集初級與次級資料,根據供應鏈之「物流」、「資訊流」以及「協同整合」進行個案分析與研究。本研究發現驅動IC產業鏈存在以下主要問題: 1. 驅動IC產業中,具有議價能力者為驅動IC設計公司。而市場中許多驅動IC設計公司採取積極管理供應商的態度,使得封測廠商處於被動狀態。 2. 封測廠商與其客戶之間的資訊不透明,造成封測廠商無法掌握真正的需求,加上客戶有超量預定的狀況,使得驅動IC供應鏈中存在著明顯的長鞭效應。 3. 驅動IC供應鏈並未有良好的協同整合,亦無良好的成本分享(Cost-Sharing)模式,處於弱勢之代工廠商必須吸收較高的成本,造成代工廠商不願意大量投資設備來滿足客戶。 根據個案分析,本研究發現封測代工廠商在供應鏈中處於弱勢地位,供應鏈上之成本多半轉移到A公司上,倘若A公司嘗試進行供應鏈相關整合也勢必會面臨到許多問題,因此,本研究認為,A公司應該1. 嘗試合併其他同業廠商。2. 以核心技術開發多元化的產品。3. 加強技術、品質、交期以及服務。藉由以上方法減少對驅動IC設計公司的依賴,並且增加其競爭力,進而加強供應鏈上之議價能力,方能掙脫目前受限於驅動IC設計公司之狀況,開拓其未來。


The competence of corporate was normally built by way of delivery, cost, quality and service before the era that supply chain has been far and wide discussed. Nowadays it is difficult to fulfill the variety of consumer’s requirement as well as the fast technology development if count on enterprise internal effort only. The cooperation across supply chain up-stream and down-stream becomes a new competitive advantage to whole parties. Taiwan semiconductor industry plays an important role in the global supply chain, however there was limited case study were investigated. In contrast with the theory of supply chain management, the thesis is focused on the investigation of industrial practice. The primary and secondary data were collected through interviewed with Au Bumping and Assembly foundry house which is code named “A-company” in the report. The structure of discussion include material flow, information flow and the subject of supply chain coordination. The case study observed the following phenomena in Driver IC supply chain: 1. Driver IC design-house control the majority of resources in the supply chain who has more bargaining power than assembly house. 2. Bullwhip effect is existed due to information asymmetry , batch ordering and over-booking from IC suppliers. 3. The bumping and assembly manufacturing sometimes showed the insufficient agility to support high volume urgent order due to lack of adequate cost-sharing mechanism between IC company and assembly house. The bumping and assembly house is laid on the inferior bargaining power position compare to the Driver IC company, which lead to the difficult situation for A-company to deal cost sharing request with their customers. In order to get rid of this situation for corporate long-term survive, the following suggestions are recommended to A-company : 1. Expand the economic scale by M&A 2. Diversify the service portfolio to the other relative industry. 3. Reinforce the processing technology, quality, manufacturing turn around time and service.


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高世建(2008)。TFT-LCD廠商向上垂直整合之策略研究 -以友達為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.01238
