  • 學位論文


Research on The Integration of Working Plan and Procurement Plan based on Construction Project’s Final Bidding

指導教授 : 曾惠斌 廖慶隆


營建工程是非常專業且需要高度協同作業的工程,各部門間之流程及配合事務更是瑣碎繁雜。在工程規模越來越大的情況下,常因施工程序錯誤、工程介面協調、資源調配失當等因素造成工程費極大的損失。因此如何擬定具體可行且可以管控的施工計畫書與採購計畫書對於專案管理顯得非常重要。本研究目的即在導入營建運籌管理精神,以具確定性之決標標單為基礎,將標單付款項目,透過一個可行之方式,建立施工階段所需之施工計劃書與採購計畫書,以利工程專案成本與進度的管控。 透過工程專案付款項目、施工項目及採購項目間可以自動勾稽的功能,從而建立營建資訊之關連性,而使營建資訊貫穿營建規劃設計發包至施工控制及採購管理,建立共通資料庫結構。而且由於標單付款項目之唯一性,可以簡單的確定工項之工作內容及採購項目之不重疊性,進而消除一般工程管理中工項衝突發生的現象,對於營建管理自動化有極大的助益。本研究同時以實際發包之建築工程實際案例,以電腦模擬實際操作之結果,作為應用之參考。


Construction industry is a highly professional and collaborative industry. Processes and associated jobs among departments in a construction corporation are even complex. Along with the construction project’s scale which is becoming larger and larger, huge loss in project cost is always made by wrong procedure of construction, mis-relocation of resource and mis-communication between construction interface. Therefore, how to make a solid, and controllable construction plan and procurement plan becomes very important to construction project management. The purpose of this research is used construction-cals principle to implement construction project management in terms of a workable model, which combines payment items on the bid order and construction plans and procurement plans on the base of a confirmed final bidding, in order to successfully control construction project cost and working schedule. Through the function of auto-checking project’s payment items, working items and purchasing items, the connection among construction information will be built then. Construction information will also link processes of construction planning, design, contract, working control and procurement management, and a common database will be organized. Because of the single command on bidding payment item, construction project can simply confirm working items and purchasing items without overlapping, and therefore avoid working item confuse in project management. This is quite helpful for construction management automation. This research also use a real construction contract case to make a computer scenario for practical application reference.


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